11 Truths
Table of Contents
Truth One: The Truth
As already stated, our One Nation Under God was created with the words,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .”
WTP’s Liberty is held in our DOI, not our COTUS. The two should never be separated. But they have been, along with the Preamble and signature of our COTUS. Self-evident Truth is the bedrock of One Nation Under God.
The British did not agree, so WTP, Pulpit Leaders, and the Body together shot them. Liberty is not just a Right; it is our Abba Father’s sovereign creation that over one million souls have died to achieve and protect. WTP have one more chance with ballots.
That is the value of the Truths enumerated in our DOI. What truths were self-evident? “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Our Religious Liberty lives inside our Social Liberty; it cannot exist on its own. That is where our Pulpit Leaders dropped the ball, failing to understand our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation and their role in keeping Religious Liberty viable by keeping WTP’s Social Liberty viable.
Now understand Godly Civics: believers know our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, but non-believers must be shown that Liberty is the best Social Society for most people, God or no God. It produced the greatest nation on earth. Only WePEG can do that because it is the details our Founding Fathers never foresaw.
Truth Two: Our Founding
Our Founding Fathers did not just create a nation in 1787; they created Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All in thirteen sovereign colonies and wrapped a unique nation around it to protect it from the enemies of Liberty.
They knew and warned that ‘the protector’ could become the destroyer by destroying the self-evident Truth. Our problem today is that our Founding Fathers never envisioned that Truth itself would be removed from our society, and they failed to include the necessary protections for it in our DOI/COTUS.
Godly Civics corrects that oversight with WePEG. That is the new paradigm, and there is much more to say about WePEG in our Godly Civics. It is the world-changer WTP have been looking for; it is our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.
Three: Separation of Church and State
Nothing slows down Pulpit Leaders like ‘the separation threat” and the fear of losing their tax exemption. There is a separation; stop saying there isn’t. Our Founding Fathers argued in 1787,
“Any government oppression in the name of God, no deal,” the First Amendment Establishment Clause, i.e., the government can never rule with, “God says.” They had the tyranny of the Holy Roman Empire and the Salem Witch Trials on their minds. That is the separation, and it limits our government, not us Pulpit Leaders.
They also said, “No Religious Liberty for WTP, no deal,” referring to the First Amendment Free Exercise Clause.
Pulpit Leaders are free to say anything anywhere about religion, even more than freedom of speech itself. Pastors can even yell, “Seek ye first the Kingdon of God” in a crowded theatre. Just remember, though protected speech, civics by “God says” does not work for the Gen Pop and often needlessly draws fire to our ecclesiae.
Our ecclesiae are considered sovereign and not taxable, period. No Ecclesia has ever lost its tax exemption, and the Liberty Pastor movement has a team of lawyers ready to pounce if our government tries.
Numerous ecclesiae do not even bother with 501c3 status. One church lost its 501c3 and was still not taxed. It is time to glorify our Abba Father in our civics.
Truth Four: The Magnitude
The magnitude of our problem is so great that WTP must do whatever it takes to end it, just as we did with the British Empire; the situation is that dire. This November is today’s new War for Independence to redeem what is lost.
What has destroyed our One Nation Under God, political factions can never save it. Political factions removed the Liberty history of our founding from education to protect their own self-interest.
That is the problem; they insert themselves between WTP and our representatives and destroy our DOI right to consent.
Believers are the only group in our One Nation Under God with the power in the next election to right our ship of state against the enemy’s sixty-year-plus GL-PSYOP, which has put every institution and government in our One Nation Under God now under the siege of the Leftist Enemy.
It has been metastasizing since the early 1900s but took a quantum leap in the 1960s when the rebellion against everything dear to our society, including religion, took place. Our ecclesiae were not ready and never really recovered because of political factions in control.
This is why Godly Civics/Liberty-Civics with WePEG is the only solution. The Leftist enemy’s GL-PSYOP causes embarrassing mental damage, and its victims must have a chance to regain their dignity in private. With his love revealed, many souls may be brought to our Abba Father.
Truth Five: Christian Athlete Model
Our best implementation model for the Godly Civics mission is Christian athletes who glorify our Abba Father in their play but play the game by its rules for victory.
That is the model for the Body of Christ in Liberty-Civics; we glorify our Abba Father in our fight for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All but fight with the wisdom of our Abba Father’s Principles; the game rules alongside everyone, not sin and condemnation in the public square when selecting our representatives. Our Godly Civics is conversion, not condemnation.
Just as our Religious Liberty is inside our societal Liberty, our Godly Civics operates inside our Liberty-Civics strategy for everyone. Liberty-Civics for everyone’s URL is in the footer.
Truth Six: The ‘Leftist Enemy’
The ‘Leftist Enemy’ is our placeholder for the Nahas’ evil in the Blue Faction, today’s home for Progressivism. In the upper room, Jesus attacked satana in Peter, not Peter. Mathew 16:23, “Get behind me, Satan!”
We must separate the Blue Faction GL-PSYOP victims that support it: friends, neighbors, fellow worshippers, and good people around us who do not really know what they are supporting and redeem them with the Truth in love.
Our attack targets the Leftist Enemy, not the brainwashed people. No believer can glorify our Abba Father with a Blue Faction vote in Godly Civics—full stop.
It is a vote for the enemy. That is why Godly Civics’ strategy is a private study of the Truth, with no debate, confrontation, or condemnation, just sharing and love.
Truth Seven: The Progressive GL-PSYOP
The Leftist Enemy’s Progressivism is a GL-PSYOP without a single success for WTP ever; it is nothing but the destruction of One Nation Under God. Our Abba Father is now revealing the overwhelming enormity of the depravity of Progressivism inflicted on our society by the political factions.
We now have a tsunami of evidence; WTP must immediately pivot from listening to new evidence every day and start achieving victory. The Leftist Enemy has unlimited funds and thousands of ‘authors of chaos.’ The Body of Christ is WTP’s only hope.
Our job is enormous, and the Body of Christ is the only army large enough to achieve victory. Believers must stand up for the prayer answers to arrive. Our Abba Father is doing the reveal today; the depravity is in plain sight. But he won’t mark the ballots for us, and we must glorify Him when we do by restoring His 1787 Creation with WePEG.
Conservative media is a profit center that pockets $billions with reports of new chaos incidents to watch every day, but it has a numbing effect on the audience: “Who would ever vote for the Leftist Enemy?”
Watching films of chaos does not end the chaos; every believer must join the fight by distributing this message or the WePEG message to everyone.
Numerous incredible patriots lead efforts to change people’s minds, but change to what? Chaos Light, the Red Faction. Every day, WTP hear from the Red Faction activists: call your rep, call your rep, call your rep! Fight this, fight that, fight those! That is a chaos tactic to exhaust WTP, part of the enemy’s GL-PSYOP.
That will never stop until the political factions are removed, our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation is restored with WePEG, and WTP’s representatives serve only their districts for Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity.
Truth Eight: WTP Cannot Win in the Politics Theatre
Today’s Liberty Pastor Movement is the “early adopters”—those ecclesiae ready to defend our Abba Father in the political faction theatre of war. They are to be applauded for their great faith and courage.
But they are not taking Leftist Enemy ground as fast as we would like because they can’t in the political faction theater; it is too divisive for most Pulpit leaders, and rightly so.
Godly Civics/Liberty-Civics, and WePEG are three WNDs that bring the battle into our Ababa Father’s theatre, His 1787 Creation, where WTP cannot lose because there is no Leftist Enemy’s politics. Our One Nation Under God is for everyone.
Our focus in Godly Civics is Religious Liberty, which only exists in Social Liberty. We do not preach the Gospel to an inanimate government. The Gospel is our motivation in Godly Civics, not our message. The message is WePEG, our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.
Believers must see our Abba Father’s hand in his 1787 Creation and then pivot to what He created for everyone: government by inviolate Principles, Nature’s Laws, never ideology, whims, or ideas, and especially not the false flag of Progressivism.
Our One Nation Under God was created for people to see Him through His imagers, us Pulpit Leaders, and the Body and want Him. Our Godly Civics is designed to bring more people to our Abba Father with our imaging and His 1787 Creation. Believers must become that image. And Godly Civics shows the way.
Truth Nine: Our Founding Fathers Hated Political Factions
What our Founding Fathers never foresaw was political factions inserting themselves between WTP and our representatives to destroy WTP’s DOI-Right to consent. Even worse, they never saw political factions as the Trojan Horse for all the world’s enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All to destroy WTP’s One Nation Under God.
Had they foresaw, they would have forbidden political faction power in our governments. Like all citizens, they have a First Amendment right to assemble, speak, and file grievances, but never for favor or plunder. WePEG corrects that.
Political Factions were small in 1787, but Federalist #10 still eviscerated them, and P1 called them “a frightful despotism.” P46 has proved beyond all doubt that our Founding Fathers were correct: political factions are the death of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. Our Founding Fathers controlled the political factions because there was no way they were going to hand over to them what thousands of patriot souls had just died for.
Years of sacrifice went into the formation of our One Nation Under God, and over a million souls gave their lives to keep it.
Today’s lack of respect for that sacrifice is fatal and, quite frankly, disgusting. Our Abba Father is shedding tears right now, and we Pulpit Leaders have blood on our hands. Fortunately, our Abba Father is a forgiving God, but change is mandatory.
Truth Ten: Learning In Private
The Body of Christ’s mission is to change people’s hearts and minds. Much of the Body is shy about personal evangelism for our Abba Father because they think they must be the ‘convincer’ in a debate and fear possible confrontation.
The Leftist Enemy’s political GL-PSYOP has indoctrinated their followers well beyond their opponent, WTP, being wrong; we are called evil people! That environment requires love, not condemnation, to penetrate it.
Our Godly Civics mission goal is to convert the Leftist Enemy’s victims to our founding Principles, WePEG. That means they must realize they were soul-wrenching wrong, and they might feel shame. Our winning message should be consumed in private by our target audience without debate, confrontation, or condemnation. Unraveling a GL-PSYOP cannot be debated; it must be debunked with the Truth served with love.
Doing Godly Civics is nothing more than making one or both civics websites plus WEPEG known to everyone we can and suggesting that people take a look.
That is why WePEG is a stand-alone message with nothing but human agreement or not. It is somewhat analogous to handing out a Holy Bible track and letting the Holy Spirit do his job, except this mission is, “Go and make godly voters” or “Principled voters.”
Truth Eleven: Person-to-Person ‘Word of Mouth’
Word of mouth is the only communication channel that can deliver our winning message to its intended audience: people’s hearts. Our One Nation Under God was created and defended by word of mouth.
WTP must ‘pyramid’ to like-minded people as carriers of the anecdote to give to the people we know who have the Progressive virus.
Godly Civics’ strategy is two-tiered; our ecclesiae must engage internally and then start a ‘mission exercise’ externally. Only the new paradigm embracing our Abba Father makes that possible.
The Body of Christ has the critical mass to fill the channel quickly with our succinct message of hope and love. Simply point people to the websites so they can learn in private. For many, WePEG alone is the only safe referral. Our ‘ask’ is just to look, not be the teacher.
A large percentage of believers do not embrace ecclesiae but still have a connection to our Abba Father. Only the Body of Christ can reach them in the field, and we must.
Godly Civics’ strategy is designed to feed them in an uplifting context of civics evangelism based on the miracle of a restored One Nation Under God with Godly Civics. Conservative groups are populated with believers and should join the mission.