Bringing All Believers

Table of Contents

Our Calling

Godly Civics brings elections to WTP’s theatre, WePEG1787, and we cannot lose; there are no weapons against the Laws of Nature, only against people. The Body of Christ acts independently of its ecclesiae in civics; the voters have the civic duties and the call to glorify our Abba Father.

And each pulpit leader has their Holy Spirit calling that Godly Civics does not disturb. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bring all pulpit leaders to Godly Civics for the salvation of Religious Liberty with their doctrine and DNA intact.

The Protestant Ecclesia is the Religious Liberty Wing of Christianity (the Thirty-Year War) and the courage behind our 1776 War for Independence, but that is not enough today. Godly Civics calls in glory to our Abba Father, all Judeo-Christian ecclesiae: Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Restorationist, and non-denominational, to show unity under the Yahweh/Jehovah-Nissi flag –  the Lord is my banner (Ex 17:15). Everyone has Exodus 17:15 in their Holy Bible.

Remaining silent is not an option. The cause of Social and Religious Liberty is in OUR hands, and Godly Civics with WePEG1787 takes us back to our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation with zero Nahas’ political power division.

Work and Liberty

Work and Social Liberty are the antitheses of Progressivism; we never see that said in politics. Scripture offers numerous teachings about work, emphasizing its value, purpose, and role in a godly life. Godly Civics connects our role in Social Liberty to our Abba Father’s Laws of Nature, which also direct our work outcomes. Our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, His last nation, is a complete life system for everyone that also reflects His original design to get all the people we can into Heaven.

When everyone sees the fantastic benefits for WTP with the Laws of Nature in control of our daily lives, that image will get people interested in where they come from. And that is where the Nahas attacks, substituting his government, his antichrist, to control and turn WTP’s daily lives away from our Abba Father’s Laws of Nature.

A minimum federal government is essential to a meaningful life. It is not a political choice but a life-or-death choice with our Abba Father on one side and the Nahas’ lies on the other.

Work is a Divine Calling. Genesis 2:15: “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Our Abba Father established work before the Fall, highlighting its intrinsic value and purpose. Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” This encourages diligence and dedication in work.

Work Reflects God’s Image. Exodus 20:9-10: “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God.” Our Abba Father’s example of creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh is a model for balancing work and rest. Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters.” Work is an opportunity to honor our Abba Father and reflect His character.

Work Provides for Needs. 2 Thessalonians 3:10: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” This underscores the importance of taking personal responsibility for providing for oneself and one’s family. Proverbs 14:23: “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Hard work is a path to provision and success. Political ideology is a path to Hell.

Work is Part of Serving Others. Ephesians 4:28: “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.” Work allows individuals to contribute to the well-being of others. Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Our efforts, including work, can be a testimony of faith.

Work Avoids Idleness. Proverbs 6:6-8: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” Laziness is discouraged, and diligence is encouraged. Proverbs 10:4: “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

Work in Eternity. Revelation 22:3: “No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.” In the new creation, work continues but without the toil and hardship caused by the Fall.

The Bible presents work as a meaningful activity designed by our Abba Father, not just for survival but as a way to grow, serve others, and glorify Him. It encourages balance, diligence, and gratitude in all aspects of work. We pulpit leaders must integrate all aspects of life: our civics, survival, and worship to glorify our Abba Father in all we do. Please pray on that.

Our Hypothesis

Our Abba Father had his fill of human kings by 1787. That was after His people had their fill of the biblical Judges. The Nahas is too clever and persistent in his war against Jesus. No human government has withstood the Nahas. Our Abba Father installed heroes in the Old Testament to advance His plan after Nahas’ victories. Noah, Moses, and Abraham are examples. Today, the Nahas’ political faction government looks very similar to Israel’s when governed by the spirit-human kingship.

Very few Israel kings glorified our Abba Father, and He unleashed Nebuchadnezzar II to scatter Israel and move on to His next phase in His march to His last nation, His 1787 Creation. As in the Old Testament, P1, P16, P40, and P45/47 are hero presidents deployed by our Abba Father when needed to “right the ship of state,” making sound decisions based on their faith, wisdom, and experience, i.e., the Laws of Nature in our DOI.

But they are all heralded as great men, not heroes of our Abba Father. We must assume P45/47 is the last hero deployed for the Body of Christ to redeem our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation by installing WePEG1787 for posterity. After WTP remove political factions, the Laws of Nature, WePEG1787, is all there is.

P45/47 is a common-sense populist believer, but no one on the radar has what P45/47 has to succeed him. In our Abba Father’s plan, it is irrefutable that His people, first Israel, then the Body of Christ, must repel the Nahas ourselves, i.e., reject the “mark of the beast” (Rev. 13) in our time.

WePEG1787 repels the Nahas from our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, and no one like P45/47 is on the horizon; this is our moment; do not let it pass. The debate with WePEG1787 looks like this:

Nahas’ Blue Faction zealot: “You are a racist!

WTP WePEG1787 zealot: “That is a personal right in a free society, the same as your right to accuse me. Now prove it. And you are uninformed. Here is WePEG1787; study it and come back with your scores. In the meantime, I will be enjoying life. Have a good day.”


WTP cannot win a civics debate without a winning argument and an audience. We have the audience, the Body of Christ. You can now see how WePEG1787 is the winning argument: WTP own it, and the Body of Christ is large enough to force it if candidates want our vote.

And very importantly, Godly Civics will motivate the large non-voting believer bloc to glorify our Abba Father in our civics and vote for His 1787 Creation to defeat the evil of political factions. No other strategy can accomplish that; it is the evil that repels our ecclesia.

The dramatic change needed in the fundamental assumptions about elections requires a strategy, a team, training, and leadership. That may seem daunting, but Godly Civics and the Liberty Pastors/Salt and Light movement are here to support us. Everything any ecclesia needs to glorify our Abba Father at the ballot box and take our One Nation Under God to Judgment Day is already deployed.

No pulpit leader will escape judgment, letting the Nahas destroy our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. It is the only nation where the “mark of the beast” matters because it is the only nation where the Nahas and our Abba Father are both protected speech. Our Godly Civics is our clarion call; please do not ignore it.

The Post-Modern Era

We live today in the Post-Modern Era, defined as “there is no such thing as universal truth.” It follows the Modern Era of the “search for truth,” which the ‘scholar gods’ ended in the 1950s. It is hard to imagine that scholars have found no truth in the Modern Era, which should have raised a red flag immediately, but the definition of Post-Modernism must be false in its own statement; if there is no truth, the title cannot be true.

The ‘scholar gods’ first named the Post-Modern Era and then set out to make it happen in a GL-PSYOP. What is the Nahas’ only attack against Christianity: it is not true! Genesis 3:4, “Then the Nahas said to the woman, “You will not surely die.”

The cunning Nahas knows the lie of “there is no truth” would unite non-believers and create a massive army against the Body of Christ. If there is no spirit-human kingship to do the Nahas’ work, the Nahas must build an army of humans. Our Abba Father ending the spirit-human kingship in His 1787 Creation burdened us pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ to keep His 1787 Creation viable to the end.

The Body of Christ was OK with our Abba Father until the 1960s rebellion against everything we held dear, including our worship centers, when our government sent WTP to die for another country without a righteous reason.

Working with the Nahas’ Blue Faction, all the world’s enemies of our USA established a chaos foothold in the 1960s, the “first fruits” of Post-Modernism. If “give unto Caesar” is still our view of government, pulpit leaders will look the other way, like in the first century with the Roman Empire.

We bring people to our Abba Father, rejoice, praise God, and shun the evil government because we answer to a higher power. Except we missed, there is no more Caesar, and our Abba Father’s Laws of Nature is our government in Eden 2.0. Our calling is to defend our Abba Father’s government and pass it on to our children’s children to get all we can into Heaven.

There is no reason we pulpit leaders would have “seen” our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation because seminaries never taught it. We pray, we don’t “see,” and Scripture does not ordain post-Scripture prophets.

Godly Civics is not a prophecy nor a “God says.” It is a Holy Spirit-inspired presentation to glorify our Abba Father, push the Nahas back, and get all the souls we can into Heaven. Godly Civics appeared when the Nahas was about to get his grip on the world.

P45/47 stopped the bleeding, but the Nahas’ Blue Faction will return as it did after P16’s new birth of freedom and P45’s first term if we pulpit leaders do not engage in Social and Religious Liberty today and restore our One Nation Under God to His 1787 Creation. Otherwise, the Nahas is guaranteed to return quickly. Remember our burning question: we pulpit leaders hold the world in our hands.

Completing His 1787 Creation

When the Post-Modern world looks back on our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation to destroy its truth, they challenge our Founding Fathers’ faith and the flaws in their creation. Believers do not have to win that debate; we must unify the Body as a force, vote the Nahas’ Blue Faction out of our government, and replace it with WePEG1787 in glory to our Abba Father.

The only debate worth our time is our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation: the Laws of Nature, governing Principles, and WePEG1787. But, without the Godly Civics message, too many put their heads in the sand, and our Abba Father weeps. Godly Civics solves that dilemma.

Our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation had a gigantic flaw. People still owned other people as slaves, denying their Social Liberty. The Nahas’ Blue Faction still uses that as a WMD against Social Liberty today. The irony is that Progressivism means our government owns all WTP by turning all states Blue, which gives the Nahas his needed grip on the world.

Let’s look at our Abba Father’s journey from Noah to the end of Israel; it took almost 1,800 years. It did not happen overnight. It took another 582 years to get to Jesus and over 1,600 years to get to the Pilgrims. In 2026, our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation will celebrate its 250th birthday (based on our 1776 DOI). We are just getting warmed up in our Abba Father’s Time context. Imagine what a great birthday present redeeming His 1787 Creation would be!

Without the slavery compromise in 1787, there would be no USA. There was no king; our Founding Fathers debated in search of the best for the most. So where was our Abba Father in the slavery debate? We cannot ask that question without asking where the Nahas was.

The Nahas was in Eden 1.0 (Gen. 2:1), and all signs point to him being in Eden 2.0 (1787) since he makes it to the end-time, capturing WTP every step of the way. The Civil War is our Abba Father’s answer to where He was: doing His time and plan against the Nahas.

The Civil War completed our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. That is what matters, not when. Our Abba Father’s time is always perfect. The Civil War was a group of states against another group, and the ‘Social Liberty for all’ group with our Abba Father won; two nations’ were never an option.

Today's Civil War

After P16’s new birth of freedom, our One Nation Under God had its Golden Era. It ended in 1912 with P26’s third-party run and the 16A (the IRS). Shortly after the 16A opened the door for our federal government to destroy each person’s individual life, the Nahas’ Progressivism, the antithesis and enemy of Social Liberty, was officially introduced by P28 and launched the death march of our USA to today. The Nahas’ political factions ended the Golden Era of our USA. The Nahas was back!

Our Founding Fathers would have gone to war against the 16A and Progressivism. The 16A removed the most critical restriction on our federal government over WTP, for which our patriot warriors died. Once the door was open to federal power over individual lives, a tsunami of federal interference in WTP’s lives occurred.

The 16A was only a 1% tax on the rich; what could go wrong? Now we know! Taxing the rich was also a gross violation of our federal government’s design. Taxing the rich is a Progressive GL-PSYOP WMD against Social Liberty. But the Blue faction does ‘a take’ from the old “Robin Hood gambit;” they rob our corrupt government and keep it.

No other European nation copied our Abba Father’s Social Liberty documents, and the Nahas wreaked havoc, which led to two world wars against Social Liberty and our Abba Father. Many see our Abba Father’s hand for victory, but few see the Nahas’ hand seeking his grip on the world.

Rebuilding Europe after WWII lifted the USA’s economy and childbirth with the Baby Boomers. P34 was the WWII General of our Greatest Generation and a Social and Religious Liberty believer. The election for P35 restarted the Nahas’ political faction war, resulting in the 1960s rebellions against everything. The Greatest Generation is almost gone, and the Body of Christ is the only replacement.

The Progressive ACA and Social Security are equally DOI/COTUS abominations, and both are abject failures for WTP. eviscerates them. The destruction of our One Nation Under God with P46 is precisely what our Founding Fathers knew would happen if political factions were allowed to gain power inside our governments.

Now that WTP can see the almost total destruction of our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, our plight demands another Civil War/WWII mindset, or the Nahas’ Blue Faction will return in record time, which means fewer souls in Heaven.

We pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ have until the end of 2025 to get Godly Civics and WePEG1787 into every ecclesia and Body of Christ to purge our governments of the Nahas’ Blue Faction representatives. Then, complete the total conversion to WePEG1787 elections for 2028. P48 and all representatives must be masters of WePEG1787, not political faction slaves.

The Nahas’ Blue Faction has always been about their power going back to P7 (the first non-Founding Father-related POTUS). Our first five POTUS were Founding Fathers and controlled the political factions because they would never hand over to them what thousands of patriot souls had died for: our Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

With P7, the Nahas got a grip on our One Nation Under God. P7 had little attachment to our Founding Fathers and birthed the Nahas’ Blue Faction, which took us to the Civil War. Then, P16 completed our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation with the Civil War and started the Red Faction as a new birth of freedom.

One Nation Under God experienced its Golden Era with the Industrial Revolution and the Red Faction until the Nahas’ Blue Faction regained power in 1912/13.

The Nahas’ last step to destroy our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation for posterity is to pack our SCOTUS with Nahas’ Blue Faction judges who serve for life. The Red Faction would never again get a turn at bat. WTP must put all political factions in WTP’s government on the scrap heap of history, and the P45/47’s last term is likely WTP’s last term to redeem our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.

Remember our end-time burning question: Our USA may or may not exist, depending on us pulpit leaders’ treatment of Religious Liberty inside Social Liberty. The Post Modern Era above spoke to P45/47’s reprieve in glory to our Abba Father, but it is only a reprieve. The Body of Christ has a job in the Family business, which has four years to complete.

There is nothing 200 million adults in our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation cannot find the best answer except defense. WePEG1787 codifies the best answers found by looking for them.

God and WTP's DOI

WTP’s DOI is the bedrock of our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. We explain it in detail for all WTP on, but we need the godly view for our pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ because WTP’s DOI, not our COTUS, holds our Social Liberty. WTP’s DOI enumerates our “right” to go to war for Social Liberty and then enumerates the charges against the British church-state system. The last straw was the king forcing the Church of England onto the colonies.

WTP’s Founding Fathers justified their action; they were not just a group of anarchists. They knew our creator and the need to “glorify Him” in creating Social Liberty, Eden 2.0.

Understanding WTP’s DOI leads us pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ to enthusiastically engage in Godly Civics because it is the foundation of our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. WTP’s COTUS holds our Religious Liberty, which our Founding Fathers ratified many years later, but we must never separate the two documents; only together are they our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.

The Nahas’ Blue Faction judges separated and destroyed WTP’s DOI/COTUS over time. The Nahas’ political factions parse WTP’s COTUS for what they want it to say, ignoring WTP’s DOI and the Preamble that frames what WTP’s COTUS says. WePEG1787 eviscerates any parsing of WTP’s DOI/COTUS.

WTP’s DOI/COTUS is the signed contract between WTP and our government that defines the boundaries of their power over WTP, beyond which WTP can righteously go to war for Social Liberty. Enrolling the Body of Christ in the Ballot Army with Godly Civics is much easier than an armed militia, which is what it will take if WTP fail.

WTP’s DOI/COTUS Preamble says, ” . . . to secure the Blessings of Social Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” WTP’s DOI/COTUS enumerates Social and Religious Liberty for posterity. Posterity means “all future generations,” not just a long time; it is a critical word that describes the duty of the Body of Christ.

After the 16A, WTP’s mission is to return our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation to what He created and fill in the blanks unknown in 1787: Progressivism and the end of universal truth.

Our DOI united thirteen disparate colonies into a powerhouse that defeated the British church-state system in a shooting war. In 1775, the colonies had enough of British interference in their Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All, and, as Protestants do, they rebelled and drove the British home. The British actually called it “the Protestant Revolution.”

In our Abba Father’s eyes, His 1787 Creation is His last step in restoring His nation, Eden 2.0, to get all we can into Heaven before the end. So, where does WTP’s DOI get its power? Only from WTP with a gun or a ballot.

The fact is, our Founding Fathers did not wait for our Abba Father’s blessing. It was either instinct (for non-believers) or the Holy Spirit (for believers), but they completed their mission.

WTP’s Founding Fathers decided they wanted Social and Religious Liberty and went to war, doing their best to glorify our Abba Father, which WTP’s DOI does well. Only that desire again today will save what over a million have died for and millions more maimed. And all we need today is a pen and a ballot in WTP’s hands.

A bunch of misfits defeated the British church-state system. It was luck and determination for non-believers and divine intervention for believers. Pulpit Leaders, the Body of Christ, and non-believers all fought side by side in 1776, sacrificing their blood for Social Liberty. If WTP want Social Liberty, we must work for and fight for it, defend it, and be willing to die for it. And believers pray that our Abba Father is with us. Notice that we include all WTP in the fight.

The Black Robe Regiment (preacher robe) became famous. Pulpit leaders in 1776 did not run onto the battlefield yelling to the British, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.” They shot the British because Social Liberty came first. Only after that was Religious Liberty nested inside Social Liberty in WTP’s COTUS. We pulpit leaders must engage again with fierce determination, just as the Black Robe Regiment engaged against the Nahas in 1776.

Social Liberty is where we pulpit leaders missed the mark; we have a God-given duty to protect Social Liberty in His 1787 Creation so that Religious Liberty survives as long as possible to bring as many as possible to heaven.

Like our redemption, our patriot warriors paid for Social Liberty with their blood. That is the cost and value of Social Liberty. And like the universe, our One Nation Under God was spoken into existence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” Those truths are our Abba Father’s TRUTH.

WTP’s DOI, not our COTUS, which came years later, holds our Social Liberty; Social Liberty is our “right” because it is our Abba Father’s created sovereign state with free will in Society, starting with Adam and Eve in Eden 1.0. Only believers know that which is the rub; believers rarely see it that way.

Continuing, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them . . . ,”

WTP’s DOI states that the Laws of Nature are the “powers of the earth.” That is our Abba Father’s creation in Genesis 1. They are the forces that hold our universe together and determine all outcomes, such as gravity, molecular attraction, physics, chemistry, etc.; no one challenges them; they are inviolate.

The Laws of Nature are inviolate in that any failure to obey them must result in a negative outcome; there is no other possibility. Lose the propulsion, and airplanes come down every time. Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All are a Law of Nature because we can prove its validity with research and results.

It is the Law of Nature that Social Liberty is the only societal structure where everyone can thrive, precisely as our Abba Father created Day Six. Every other societal option is the Nahas’ attempt to destroy the Body of Christ. Even without our Abba Father, Social Liberty is still the best for the most. The Laws of Nature bridge our ecclesia to the public square.

Ephesians 6:10-13 is our command, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power . . .” His Laws of Nature are where our strength resides! God or no God, the Laws of Nature determine the outcome every time for everyone for everything. That is our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.

Economic and Social Laws of Nature are more difficult because they include human behavior in free will, but still need continuous, methodical searching and application. For example, “Subsidy Produces More” is a fundamental Eco Law for our government; it is not just a clever saying.

If our representatives throw money at a problem, it must worsen; it is the Law (of Nature). That one Law enforced will bring our government to its knees for WTP. But we can only have that discussion in a theater that embraces the Laws of Nature, the WePEG1787 theatre.

Only believers know the Laws of Nature are our Abba Father’s inviolate laws that determine all outcomes. That is a strategic issue because “God says” does not work in the public square. WePEG1787 governing principles are our WMD for everyone, revealed through research and testing.

For the Gen Pop, the Laws of Nature and WePEG1787 are science discovered by rigorous research and testing. That is an essential strategic distinction; we must demand that proven science – physical, economic, and social – be our government, not human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots.

Our representatives’ first job is introducing the experts and getting out of the way. Only when all have presented their data and defended it in public can we decide anything. Why would anyone listen to a representative with no experience in a subject? Why would a representative want to line their pockets at WTP’s expense?

Our debate in our civics is not God or no god; it is provable science, regardless of its source. Science and our Abba Father must converge in research; it is His creation. People used to think Earth was flat and the universe circled it.

Some people insisted humans came from monkeys. Every “Big Bang” discovery points more to our Abba Father than away. If possible, avoid the “young earth” vs. “old earth” debate;” it is apples and beach balls. (Godly Civics understands that many stand proud of the young earth theory. Bless you, that is Social and Religious Liberty.)

Science is not our Abba Father’s enemy; it is His creation for WTP to discover and “fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1:28). We can only subdue it by unpacking the Laws of Nature.

P45/47 is our last chance as pulpit leaders to understand that our Abba Father wants his people to live in Social Liberty and be free to worship Him so that many others will see Him as well, not believers hiding in our ecclesiae.

All thirteen colonies had their state religion and could not use “God says” to argue for the war. They could not agree on religion even then, but they did agree with His inviolate Laws of Nature for Social Liberty to protect Religious Liberty.

There is no debate about not taking our “God says” Scripture for believers into politics when His design is His inviolate provable Laws of Nature for everyone, WePEG1787. That is His theatre where WTP cannot lose.


P28 officially introduced Progressivism in 1913 as an alternate form of governing. Progressivism is the ideology of the Nahas’ Blue Faction that destroyed our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. Had our Founding Fathers foreseen Progressivism, our 1A “Establishment Clause” would have said, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of an ideology,” not religion.

The ACA, WOKE, Social Security, open borders, college loans, etc., are all from the Progressive ideology for federal power; our Founding Fathers would have gone to war against all of them at the federal level.

God-based Religion was the only ideology in 1787, and our Founding Fathers stripped “God says” of His power from inside the government because of the Roman Empire. His Laws of Nature are our One Nation Under God’s government; we must redeem it.

The Progressivism Ideology is government by “Karl Marx says,” and is unCOTUS, just as “God says.” “Karl Marx says” is without substance or success for WTP; it is the “glorious myth” that WePEG1787‘s Principles eviscerate as Progressivism, but the Red Faction never stands on Principles, only their candidates. Therefore, believers must “stand and fight the wiles of the Nahas.”

The Free Exercise clause would still be, “nor interfere with the free exercise thereof.” The Nahas’ Blue Faction has every right to promote its ideology, as communists, socialists, fascists, etc., also have. And the Red Faction, as our only savior in the Nahas’ political theatre, must also be put on the scrap heap of history because, since P26, the Nahas has captured P16’s party and never once since spoke of the “new birth of freedom” again. The following message expands on political faction rights.

P45/47 captured the Red Faction, but if WTP do not redeem our One Nation Under God to elect masters of WePEG1787 as P48 and our representatives, not political faction slaves, the Nahas will quickly return. We, pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ, are the only group with the motivation and size to redeem our One Nation Under God because it is the Nahas we must defeat.

Thanks to P46, WTP can now prove in real-time, not just history, what is lost when our government takes Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All from WTP. Please pray on that.

Our debate is not where Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All came from; the argument is that it works every time, everywhere, for everyone who tries. Today, we are seeing mass migrations from Blue to Red states because the value of Social Liberty is becoming apparent.

If we pulpit leaders answer the call to government by Principles as created, WePEG1787, especially in the significant Blue cities, people would be lifted out of poverty instead of sentenced to handouts for life. Please pray on that.

Political Faction Rights

Like everyone, political factions have a 1A right to speak, assemble, and petition the government for grievances. They have zero rights to petition for favor, power, or be anywhere inside our government that interferes with WTP’s right to consent to our government, full stop. In that respect, political factions are unCOTUS.

WTP’s 1A gives no one the right to be heard except in court and petitioning for grievances. Too many people confuse the right to speak; it does not include being heard. WTP petition our government, but that is feckless when political factions evaluate ideology, not WTP’s DOI/COTUS. P46 ignored WTP no matter how much we petitioned to stop the pain. That must never happen again.

Our Abba Father and, therefore, our Founding Fathers hated political factions. They were minor in 1787, and Federalist #10 still eviscerated them because they knew the danger the political factions presented to Social Liberty. P1 called them “a frightful despotism” after experiencing them in office. That is a rock-solid foundation for our Godly Civics/WePEG1787 mission.

Godly Civics restores our One Nation Under God to government by Principles, the Laws of Nature, which demand research and affordability for outcomes, constant evaluation, and course correction or cancellation over time. Without a consensus study proof, there is zero room for ideas and group favors at the federal or state legislative bodies. That leaves no room for exercising political faction power.

The situation is so dire today because the Nahas’ Blue Faction has destroyed everything we hold dear in our One Nation Under God by inserting themselves between WTP, our representatives, our government, and our last resort, the free press.

Believers must hate political factions as well because the Nahas’ Blue Faction has infiltrated every societal institution, including our worship centers. Too many pulpit leaders remain silent, flummoxed by the division of politics. Godly Civics ends that fear.

The only surviving solution is to redeem our One Nation Under God to our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, return our representatives’ loyalty to their districts and Nature’s Laws in WePEG1787, and reclaim WTP’s DOI “right to consent,” devoid of all power-hungry factions.

Godly Civics and WePEG1787 free our worship centers from political division and pave the way to a lasting victory for our Abba Father and all Social Liberty-Loving citizens, believers or not.

Our Representatives

The Red and Blue factions’ debate who can spend money on problems the best when WTP must say, “Stop. You are destroying our Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All, and we are replacing all of you with representatives who know the Laws of Nature and will govern in obedience.”

Reading the founding debates and our WTP’s DOI, you will see the word ‘Principles’ used often. Principles are Laws of Nature or are on the way in research because we see them work in life. Political factions have no interest in verifying Principles because that would make political factions vestigial.

Arguing inviolate, studied Principles of Governing is how we bring the debate back to WTP’s theatre, WePEG1787, where we cannot lose. But the Body of Christ is the only group that can accomplish it quickly.

As our Abba Father designed, our state representatives must constantly search for Laws of Nature that determine our society’s best solutions and outcomes for society’s challenges. Our representatives must seek and apply our Abba Father’s inviolate Principles to all legislation, or it will fail society because it must; it is the Law. All legislation must include monitoring for efficacy to refine and develop more Laws of Nature.

The best solution is always found somewhere among two hundred million adults in Social Liberty and never from an autocrat in DC with only an ideology. Why would anyone listen to a representative about anything they are not masters of and only want to line their pockets?

WePEG1787 has a section named ‘Megaphone Rights.’ Representatives create them by shouting, “We have the right!” Legislation only produces privileges, never ‘rights.” Bring in the experts and let them talk and withstand the challenge. With fifty states and thousands of counties and cities working on problems for solutions, they will all be solved with discovered best practices for WTP. WTP must only make it happen with representatives who will do that, not representatives serving only their political factions.

Our Abba Father made Himself an integral part of our founding and put Himself in WTP’s hearts, not our government, expecting that the Body of Christ would finally get it right in Eden 2.0. We are now staring at our last chance to get it right, and that means protecting Social and Religious Liberty as long as we can OR DIE TRYING.

That responsibility is lost in our ecclesiae; we must redeem it, or it will be gone forever. Godly Civics prays our ecclesiae will not let that happen again. The Body of Christ must start today an emergency turn of our Ship of State back to our founding on Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

To do that, we must understand the powers in WTP’s DOI/COTUS and want Social and Religious Liberty as much as our Abba Father and Founding Fathers did. They were willing to die for it in 1776, and millions since then, so today, WTP can vote for it.

We, Pulpit Leaders and the Body must protect the voting process and turn out in historic numbers at all costs in 2026 for Social Liberty in WePEG1787.

WePEG 1787

We tease WePEG1787 here for convenience. All it takes is a review to understand exactly what our Founding Fathers created with the help of the Holy Spirit in 1787, except with more detail for all the things our Founding Fathers could not foresee.

Our One Nation Under God is too complex, the enemy is too angry, and no one is like P45/47 to replace him in four years. The Secret Sauce of Godly Civics/Liberty Civics is the mandatory replacement of political factions, the Nahas’s army, with WePEG1787. WTP’s WMD only requires the Body of Christ to embrace it.

WePEG1787 has four groups to start the Proof-of-Concept draft: Election Integrity, Life, Government, and the Progressive Psyop. Our candidates score every Principle statement 0-10 and post it on their website to reveal precisely how they will govern.

WePEG1787 works equally well for local, state, and federal governments. Some principles will become law, and perhaps even DOI/COTUS amendments. Still, their primary role is to select and hold our candidates accountable for Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

WePEG1787 makes debates mandatory with scores; it is not doctrine. The foundation of our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation is that our representatives seek to discover all of Nature’s laws because they are what works for the most WTP in society. They are fatal to the Leftist Enemy, as you will see.

When P45/47 finishes in 2029, WePEG1787 and its candidates will be ready to defend our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation until the end-time, full stop! WePEG1787 candidates must also dominate the next midterm to finish the Senate and grow the House to WePEG1787 supermajorities.

Stop and think. How does the Nahas’ Blue Faction govern? By their inviolate ruling Principles of Progressivism, not just humans with ideas. Progressivism has a doctrine, but the Red Faction never condemns it because the Nahas has corrupted enough people to stop it.

It never matters who the Blue Faction candidate is; they are in lock-step with the cause and the cause’s bibles: The Communist Manifesto, Rules for Radicals, Cloward Piven, etc. Authors wrote them for the express purpose of destroying our Social and Religious Liberty.

Below are the first five of fifty-nine WePEG1787 Principles of Progressivism to score 0-10. The score goes in the dash. The “enemy” is the leftist enemy referred to in this treatise. A book referenced on the WePEG1787 website inspires these Principles:

1.__ The enemy’s will is substituted for reason. Their will is their reason, and they have no life, social liberty, or pursuit of happiness in their principles.

2.__ The enemy substitutes the “glorious myth” for objective TRUTH. “Freedom from fear through government” and “saving the planet” are their glorious myths.

3.__ Unity means conformance to the glorious myth, not Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

4.__ Equity means everyone accepts the lowest condition; it can never move anyone upward. One car goes 100mph, one goes 60 mph, and one goes 30 mph. Equity is 30 mph. Just ask Cuba, Argentina, and Venezuela.

5.__ The enemy claims a monopoly on reason to guide society to a specific outcome, the glorious myth. They silence all other points of view because the enemy has no Social Liberty-minded principles to defend.

Hopefully, you will start to see the power of WePEG1787; it works for both Blue and Red candidates. Blue candidates will score near zero in agreement, and Red Faction candidates must score near 10 to get WTP’s votes.

If a Blue or Red Faction candidate lies and gets elected, WTP defeat them in the next election or removes them for cause where possible. WePEG1787 is an enumerated standard any Liberty-loving candidate will adhere to because it is what works and is the best way to get re-elected.

WePEG1787 does not need Congress to approve it, nor does it need COTUS amendments. WTP own our government; if our candidates want our votes, they will post their scores.

Imagine every ecclesia sending WePEG1787 to their candidates to score and letting them know they must reveal themselves or lose. WePEG1787 is especially important to first-time candidates who are not well known.

We want zero confrontation or condemnation. Share WePEG1787 with everyone, especially Blue Faction supporters. Just say, “You might want to look at and see what you think.” Then pray. Many ‘legacy’ Blue Faction voters, especially believers, will realize they have made a colossal mistake, will be glad to repent privately and come out with some dignity. The Holy Spirit is there to help us; let Him do his work.

The Red Faction Future

The only role left for the Red Faction in 2028 is the protector of free and fair elections, exactly as P45/47 did for himself in the last election as a populist candidate using the Red Faction ballot slots. Remember, WePEG1787 ends “big money” in our civics. WTP must put the Blue Faction on the scrap heap of history before the 2026 election. As election fraud is exposed, that will and must happen.

Nothing can stop WTP. The Body of Christ is too large to ignore, but we have never had a vehicle for critical mass unity until now: Godly Civics and WePEG1787. If ever there was a sign of divine intervention, WePEG1787 is it.

Our Abba Father is used to being ignored but ignoring Him because of a political faction sounds like heresy. Please pray on that.

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