Call to Arms

Table of Contents

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer should be all Godly Civics needs to say to us pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ. His story must be in everyone’s heart. He faced execution, standing for Religious Liberty in his country. Today, we cast ballots to achieve what Dr. Bonhoeffer stood and died for and what our One Nation Under God finally accomplished for his country with more blood.

Our One Nation Under God is under siege, and we, pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ, are the only army to save it. Please pray for even a mustard seed of DR. Bonhoeffer’s faith and courage in doing our Abba Father’s work for Social and Religious Liberty.

Learning In Private

The Body of Christ’s mission is to change people’s hearts and minds. Much of the Body is shy about personal evangelism for our Abba Father because they think they must be the ‘convincer’ in a debate and fear possible confrontation or rejection.

The Nahas’ Blue Faction GL-PSYOP has indoctrinated their followers well beyond their opponent being wrong (WTP); we are called evil people! That environment requires love, not condemnation, to penetrate it.

Our Godly Civics mission goal is to convert the Nahas’ Blue Faction victims to our founding Principles, WePEG1787. That means they must realize they were soul-wrenching wrong, and they might feel shame. Our target audience should consume our winning message privately without debate, confrontation, or condemnation. Unraveling a GL-PSYOP cannot be debated; WTP must debunk it with the Truth served with love.

Doing Godly Civics is nothing more than making one or both civics websites and WePEG1787 known to everyone and suggesting that people take a look. That is why WePEG1787 is a stand-alone message with nothing but levels of agreement or not. It is somewhat analogous to handing out a Holy Bible track and letting the Holy Spirit do his job, except our mission is, “Go and make godly voters” or “Principled voters.”

The Spirit-Human Connection

The “Nahas-bene Elohim-human” (devil-spirit-human) world is crucial to our understanding of real life because believers rarely see nations and despots as the work of the Nahas destroying as many souls as possible. Remember that believers are citizens in heavenly Jerusalem, and the Nahas destroying believers is a big hit to Heaven. Our citizenship in heavenly Jerusalem needs much strengthening if we are to succeed.

Daniel 10:13 describes the spirit-human structure, “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia (spirit) withstood me (angel Gabriel) one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael (Archangel), one of the chief princes, came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia” (humans).

Daniel wrote it hundreds of years before it happened. We know Darius, Cyrus, and Artaxerxes became the human kings of Media-Persia. The spirit king of Persia, the “prince of Persia,” is most likely a “bene Elohim” (sons of God), the spirit beings our Abba Father assigned to the other nations after the Tower of Babel scatter (Genesis 11).

The Nahas commands the spirit “prince of Persia” to thwart our Abba Father’s plans on earth. Michael is the Archangel coming to help the angel Gabriel explain our Abba Father’s prophecy to human Daniel. That prophecy given to Daniel is the Nahas’ life story, and Godly Civics opines that believers are supposed to do something with that knowledge today to weaken the Nahas.

It does not matter here what the prophecy details are, especially the exact future timing; we already have enough information to know we need to engage against the Nahas. Armor up, stand up, and start swinging the sword of the Spirit. And keep our USA alive as long as possible to get all we can into heaven.

Let’s look at Mathew 2:16-18 with new eyes: the devil is still trying to kill the seed of Eve, “Then Herod, when he saw that the wise men deceived him, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under. ” Prayerfully, you see the unstated Herod protagonist, the Nahas’ wrath.

The Nahas' Wrath

Our Godly Civics goes to great lengths to not condemn but redeem the victims of the Nahas’ Blue Faction GL-PSYOP in private. The Nahas drives the Blue Faction, our time’s antichrist. (Godly Civics does not claim end-time wisdom; it just draws attention to the spirit world’s involvement.) If we ignore the spirit world, our only choice is to condemn the humans – representatives, and voters – and many attend our ecclesiae.

The sweet-talking Nahas image in Eden 1.0 can get us killed. Let’s look at Revelation 12:11-12, “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon . . . And the great dragon was thrown down . . the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world-he, was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him . . . And they (heavenly spirits) have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they (devil and his angels) loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath because he knows that his time is short!”

Luke 10:17-18 is interesting, “The seventy-two (disciples) returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” He (Yehoshua) replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

If Yehoshua told the disciples that he had seen Satan fall, Revelation 12 could not have been in the future. Keep going, Revelation 12:17, “And the dragon (Nahas) was enraged with the woman (heavenly Jerusalem), and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring (believers), who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

“Her offspring” is the Body of Christ; that is us. And the Nahas’ evil is behind the Nahas’ Blue Faction and has also infiltrated the Red Faction. Daniel 7:25, “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High . . . Then the saints shall be given into his hand . . .” When that happened is still debated, but there is no debate that it happened, and the Nahas never stopped his evil attacks on WTP; they got worse.

In the last book of the New Testament, which few understand, it tells us the enemy is “enraged” and is “making war” against believers.” That must be our call for believers to raise their game. But we don’t; we maintain the status quo and tune it out.

The Nahas managed to finally get the actual head-crushing seed, Yehoshua himself, killed by the Roman Empire. Imagine his thrill! Whoops, Revelation 12:5, “She (the woman, heavenly Jerusalem) bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.”

It is easy to see what enraged the Nahas: the Seed arose from the dead. Also notice, “who was to rule all nations . . .” The Nahas rules all nations today, not Yehoshua yet, and believers have work to do. But the Nahas is enraged today against all believers, and to sit here and do nothing in our lives today makes no sense.

Let’s look at Revelation 16:13-14, “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon (the Nahas the whole time), out of the mouth of the beast (the sea beast in the Holy Roman Empire that reigned in that time), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (the earth beast today). For they are spirits of demons, performing signs that go out to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

The end is a battle of nations and world governments against our Abba Father and the Body of Christ, and we live in the march to that end. Hopefully, you can see the whole picture without all the prophecy timing details.

The Mark of the Beast

Most believers have heard of the “mark of the beast” in Revelation 13. The “mark of the beast” is a defining moment for believers in Godly Civics. Revelation 13:16-18, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The beast is the earth-beast driven by the Nahas, and the action related to the mark is similar to what Darius did to Daniel in the lion’s den and Nebuchadnezzar to the three men in the fire: it required believers to submit to a false god, i.e., the Nahas.

The name or meaning of the beast’s 666 number is interesting. Godly Civics believes in Scripture defining Scripture. The number 666 appears three other times in Scripture: two related to the amount of gold given Solomon in one year and Ezra 2 with the census of Jews returning to Israel. Ezra 2:13, “the people of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty-six . . .”

Adonikam means “My Lord arose.” The Nahas reference to “666” proclaims the Nahas’ sea beast rising from the “dead” in mockery of Yehoshua. 

What matters is that after the third angel speaks (Rev. 14:9), having accepted the mark is unforgivable. Please pray on that. The mark is about our heart, not a tattoo, branding, or computer chip.

Deuteronomy 6:6-8, “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.” 

But hardly any believer lives expecting Yehoshua to come into our lifetime. Without that connection, prophecies are considered irrelevant as long as we have received Yehoshua and are redeemed.

Escaping the fiery pit is not a high bar. But the idea of Godly Civics inspiring believers to go to work and unite to extend the life of “One Nation Under God” flies in the face of thousands of years of stiff-necked people turning their back on our Abba Father.

Our Abba Father never gives up, nor does Godly Civics, because the Nahas’ Blue Faction is approaching the end-time depravity in WTP’s lives. It does not matter if it is not the end-time; voting for any Blue Faction candidate must have consequences in our lives today that we had never imagined.

But our problem is even more significant. What else is the earth-beast? The Earth government is the world’s ruler, controlled by the Nahas. There is no Scripture for the earth-beast instantly taking control of this world.

Our Abba Father ended empires ruling the world after His 1787 Creation. The enemy is now taking control of the world’s nations, and believers are called to engage against this march to the end to get as many souls as possible into heaven.

Revelation 16:14, “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

Today, Chy-nah, Ruh-sha, NK, Eye-ran, and their allies are close to unifying against our “One Nation Under God.” The Nahas’ Blue Faction is doing everything a government can do to hand WTP over to the world and finally give the Nahas the world. Please pray on that.

It is impossible to be an informed believer and not see the Nahas in the Blue Faction. Killing the unborn, mutilating children, controlling speech, and controlling everything we can buy and sell are only inches away from the end experience.

Regardless of when the end is, we are seeing the connection between the spirit heaven war and physical earth. Earth is not just a Twilight Zone Zoo being observed. WTP are integral to everything, earth, and spirit. WTP can bring our “One Nation Under God” to the final battle if believers truly love our Abba Father. Please pray on that.

Our Abba Father’s Wisdom

Most believers have heard of the “mark of the beast” in Revelation 13. The “mark of the beast” is a defining moment for believers in Godly Civics. Revelation 13:16-18, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The beast is the earth-beast driven by the Nahas, and the action related to the mark is similar to what Darius did to Daniel in the lion’s den and Nebuchadnezzar to the three men in the fire: it required believers to submit to a false god, i.e., the Nahas, today’s Blue Faction government.

The name or meaning of the beast’s 666 number is interesting. Godly Civics believes in Scripture defining Scripture. The number 666 appears three other times in Scripture: two related to the amount of gold given Solomon in one year and Ezra 2 with the census of Jews returning to Israel. Ezra 2:13, “the people of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty-six . . .”

Adonikam means “My Lord arose.” The Nahas reference to “666” proclaims the Nahas’ sea beast rising from the “dead” in mockery of Yehoshua.

What matters is that after the third angel speaks (Rev. 14:9), having accepted the mark is unforgivable. Please pray on that. The mark is about our heart, not a tattoo, branding, or computer chip.

Deuteronomy 6:6-8, “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.”

But hardly any believer lives expecting Yehoshua to return in our lifetime. Without that connection, we consider prophecies irrelevant as long as we have received Yehoshua and are redeemed.

Escaping the fiery pit is not a high bar. But the idea of Godly Civics inspiring believers to go to work and unite to extend the life of One Nation Under God flies in the face of thousands of years of stiff-necked people turning their back on our Abba Father.

Our Abba Father never gives up, nor does Godly Civics, because the Nahas’ Blue Faction is approaching the end-time depravity in WTP’s lives. It does not matter if it is not the end-time; voting for any Blue Faction candidate must have consequences in our lives today that we had never imagined.

But our problem is even more significant. What else is the earth-beast? The Earth government is the world’s ruler, controlled by the Nahas. No Scripture exists for the earth-beast instantly taking control of this world; it has progressed since Eden, and we pulpit leaders determine if our One Nation Under God will make it that far.

Our Abba Father ended empires ruling the world after His 1787 Creation. The enemy is now taking control of the world’s nations, and believers are called to engage against this march to the end to get as many souls as possible into heaven.

Revelation 16:14, “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

Today, Chy-nah, Ruh-sha, NK, Eye-ran, and their allies are close to unifying against our One Nation Under God. The Nahas’ Blue Faction is doing everything a government can do to hand WTP over to the world and finally give the Nahas the world. Please pray on that.

It is impossible to be an informed believer and not see the Nahas in the Blue Faction. Killing the unborn, mutilating children, controlling speech, and controlling everything we can buy and sell are only inches away from the end experience.

Regardless of when the end is, we are seeing the connection between the spirit heaven war and physical earth. Earth is not just a Twilight Zone Zoo being observed. WTP are integral to everything, earth, and spirit. WTP can bring our One Nation Under God to the final battle if believers truly love our Abba Father. Please pray on that.

From The Roman Empire to One Nation Under God

The Roman Empire became so large that Christianity became the only glue holding it together. Recorded history tells us that Constantine’s motivation was to use the ecclesia as a unifying force. He left the Roman ‘sun god’ on the coins, so his heart may not have been too sincere. Up to that point, the ecclesiae persecution was intense.

Let’s look at the history. The Edict of Thessalonica, dated 380 AD, made one denomination of Christianity the Roman Empire’s official religion. The edict’s last two lines state, “They (heretics) will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority, which in accordance with the will of heaven we shall decide to inflict.”

On May 7th, 538 AD, the 3rd Synod of Orleans established the universal church-state law as the official law of the Holy Roman Empire, not just the religion, inflicting “the will of Heaven” by the church-state system, i.e., human government by their version of “God says,” and our Founding Fathers said, never again. The Holy Roman Empire’s Nahas-led history was integral to the Establishment Clause in our 1A.

The Protestant Reformation (16th Century) enormously impacted the world. It finished the decay of the Holy Roman Empire with the 30 Year War (1618-48), which killed 4-8 million people. The war was for all denominations, not just one. Religious Liberty is our unifying mission. The Protestant Churches are the ‘Religious Liberty wing’ of Christianity, but every ecclesia needs Religious Liberty to thrive.

The Pilgrims leased land from the Virginia Colony before leaving, a British Colony with the Church of England. Had they made it to that land, they would have been immediately subject to the British church-state system, and they may never have become our One Nation Under God. Was that ‘divine intervention’ or the worst ship captain ever? (All good things come from God!)

The ‘Mayflower Compact’ was the first government designed from scratch by the people with Social Liberty and Justice for All. It was a ‘collective (unified group) constitutional (Mayflower Compact) democracy,’ and the people starved to death. Then, they created private property, giving people ownership, which changed the colony to a republic, and the people thrived abundantly.

Release WTP in Social Liberty, get the government out of the way, and EVERYONE thrives. That is the greatest lesson to be learned from the Pilgrims, full stop. Eleven more Social and Religious Liberty colonies formed afterward.

The Berlin Wall

Establishing WePEG1787 and ending political factions is on par with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the liberation of a city under a communist siege. Most people under forty do not know that historical event, but it is our perfect metaphor for today.

The Body must see our mission as liberating the Blue Cities, not outvoting them from the suburbs and rural areas, which still leaves city citizens under the Nahas’ oppression. The problem in Blue states and cities is that they control the election process, which will take a lot of work to redeem.

WePEG1787 is the only strategy that can liberate the Blue Cities and states. They are still full of Body members praying for deliverance. Godly Civics has experience in Blue Cities, and the people are hungry for a better life. They know the Red Faction cannot be the answer; the Nahas’ Blue Faction always returns after a Red Faction try. The people will embrace WePEG1787 when they see it.

With WePEG1787, Progressivism will have to enumerate its Principles and demonstrate where it is working for the betterment of society. It cannot just pontificate its way in. That is, in fact, the fatal flaw of Democracy; anything can talk its way in with stirred-up emotion, which is why Democracy is the most unstable form of government and always ends up in totalitarianism.

WePEG1787 ends the politics of personal destruction, dark money, and endless ads because every representative except the executives and Senators is a local election to choose people we know who have our communities’ best interests at heart.

Our WMD for Blue States

Progressivism is fiscally unsustainable because “freedom from fear through government” is the “glorious myth” of Progressivism. WePEG1878 eviscerates Progressivism. British PM Thatcher said a famous quote P40 repeated often, “Sooner or later, we run out of other people’s money.”

That statement has no power beyond PM Thatcher’s or P40’s term. As a scientific study, it becomes a proven governing Principle that never fails because the Laws of Nature determine all outcomes in the universe. Venezuela, Argentina, and Cuba are three modern, very prosperous nations whose economies and societies died when their leaders served their own interests of power over society,

Neither the Blue nor Red Faction wants any righteous methodical study, even though many exist. Why? Because the study ends both factions with the Laws of Nature. The studies cannot get past the political factions in our elections; political factions are the opposite of what is right. Godly Civics and WePEG1787 start with righteous methodical studies.

Blue states are failing economically; CA is $50B to $70B in debt and sustained by their faction in DC with phony bailouts. That is about to end. By definition, in the Blue States, the Red Faction is weak. That is precisely why our Abba Father hates political factions; they block His people from enforcing His 1787 Creation of government by Principles. Please pray on that.

What can we pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ have to say if we do not see our Abba Father’s hand in His 1787 Creation, our One Nation Under God? Nothing. Do you really believe that glorifies our Abba Father?

History and the Book of Revelation prove that humans in power cannot sustain resisting the Nahas. That is how the world ends. Israel couldn’t do it with our Abba Father guiding them directly. There is no chance today because our Abba Father unleashed the Nahas after Daniel’s prophecy released our Abba Father’s people from His restraint on the Nahas.

WTP must eliminate and replace the political factions with WePEG1787, our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation the Nahas cannot destroy. It is the stone we sling to end our Goliath Government. P45/47 made inroads in 2024 as a populist using the Red Faction ballot slots, but the Blue Faction-caused pain won the day, not the Red Faction; this cannot be a Red Faction victory. It is WTP’s victory and we must sustain for posterity.

The stage is set to make every candidate in 2026 a WePEG1787 candidate, regardless of where they fall on the Social Liberty Scale. Our Abba Father will have our voice for all WTP for the first time since Samuel 1.

Remember our burning question, “What if there is no consensus end-time prophecy in Scripture for our USA because it might cease to exist by then?” We were on the verge of ceasing to exist in the 2024 election. But our Abba Father gave us a reprieve with P45/47. His populist movement with open Religious Liberty cries out to finish the job with Godly Civics for the 2026/2028 elections.

Believers must replace the division of politics before all our ecclesiae can engage and glorify our Abba Father at the ballot box. The key word is “engage,” which means spreading Godly Civics to all believers, Liberty Civics to non-believers, and ensuring all candidates score WePEG1787 to get our vote. details political factions, but the only solution to the division is to replace the Nahas’ political factions with our Abba Father’s WePEG1787, the updated version of His 1787 Creation. It seems impossible because political factions are so entrenched. Still, the reward is so monumental to our ecclesiae and One Nation Under God that the Body of Christ must make it happen. The good news is that the Body of Christ, united for Religious Liberty, is the largest group in the Greatest Nation on Earth.

Unity Behind P45/47

P45/47 is our Abba Father’s last hero. The Nahas’ war against Jesus has all but destroyed our Abba Father’s creation every step of the way in Scripture, from Eden to Revelation. And our Abba Father always responded with an earthly hero: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul in Scripture. Post-Scripture history reveals that William Bradford, Thomas Jefferson, P1, P16, P34, P40, and P45/47 all had our Abba Father’s divine help to keep His 1787 Creation, His last nation, viable to get as many as possible into Heaven. Getting people into Heaven is our only motivation; we need our One Nation Under God to do it and pass it on to our children’s children.

P45/47 is only controversial today because of his threat to the Nahas’ political factions. His history of service and generosity is not well known because it is the one subject he does not boast about. That speaks volumes about the man. Even a 24/7/365 gaslighting PSYOP against him for nine years has still not taken him out. He is an exceptional man, flaws and all.

But what is the point of condemning others in the political faction theatre of war when the WePEG1787, the Laws of Nature (governing principles), are what our Abba Father created for us to score and choose our representatives in His theatre?

There is no need to condemn anyone; WTP are just looking for 10s. Voting against those with zero Principles of Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All is a reasoned decision; voting for Our Abba Father’s Principles glorifies Him. WePEG1787 is that simple.

The 2024 POTUS election set the stage for the Body’s unity in the 2026 election. WePEG1787 is the critical choice to begin voting on our ballot. Every believer must vote for our Abba Father’s creation in 2026/2028.

When believers understand that our One Nation Under God, His shining city on the hill, His beacon and refuge to the world, is not just a debating society but the vessel of our Abba Father’s Social Liberty to protect His Religious Liberty that only exists inside Social Liberty, our cups will overflow. P45/47 is the catalyst for that to happen.

That is where our ecclesiae have failed in our sovereign castles with moats above the fray. Our ecclesiae must become staging centers for the war against the Nahas, uniting under Yahweh-Nissi (or Jehovah-Nissi) – the Lord is my banner!

Our Abba Father works through His people. He could have knocked down the walls of Jericho by Himself, but He used Joshua’s army in the miracle, and they never touched the wall. P45/47 is the man of the time to end the Nahas’ Blue Faction and put it on the scrap heap of history. Had P45/47 won in 2020, we would not have seen the total depravity of the Nahas’ Blue Faction we are seeing today. Our Abba Father is revealing everything for a lasting victory.

If you disagree, you do not know P45/47, full stop. If the nine-year GL-PSYOP against him is your only source of information, you are badly misinformed. If you need to condemn him, that judgment is not more important than saving our One Nation Under God. Please get to know the man today (and our Abba Father).

King David was a murderer, adulterer, and possible rapist, yet he was “a man after God’s own heart.” Saul of Tarsus led the killing of Christians, and yet our Abba Father chose him to launch the ecclesiae throughout the world. Rahab and Gomer were prostitutes used by our Abba Father, and Rahab is in the bloodline of Jesus. Ruth did not win Boaz with her cooking.

Godly Civics prays that you visit the verses about forgiveness, Jesus’ sacrifice, and how our Abba Father chooses his leaders. Please get to know P45/47 in the moment. No candidate is persecuted by the despotic rulers in our government more than P45/47. He and his family suffer enormous losses of pride, money, and time, yet he stands firm and unwavering for WTP. That is a leader with our Abba Father’s blessing.

Even if P45/47 is only Samson, WTP must destroy the Philistines’ temple (the Blue Faction), and P45/47 is the only person who can do it. If you are so righteous that you believe you glorify our Abba Father by allowing the Nahas to destroy His 1787 Creation because you dislike our Abba Father’s choice, please pray for clarity, not for a miracle that is not on the ballot.

But it was not enough for P45/47 to win in 2024. That populist victory cannot be allowed to be a Red Faction victory; it must be a Laws of Nature victory (our DOI and 1787 Creation) for everyone in every state, or the leftist enemy will continue the destruction and rise again.

P45/47 is the man of this time because, like P40, P45/47 is a populist candidate, not a political faction candidate. The Red Faction did all it could to stop him, as they did P40. Now, P45/47 owns the Red Faction because he needs the ballot slots in the Nahas’ war between the Nahas’ Blue Faction and our Abba Father. That is a leader.

WTP Cannot Win in the Political Faction Theatre of War

Today’s Liberty Pastor Movement is the “early adopters” – those ecclesiae ready to defend our Abba Father in the political faction theatre of war. Godly Civics applauds them for their great faith and courage. But they are not taking the Nahas’ Blue Faction ground as fast as we would like because they can’t in the political faction theater; it is too divisive for most pulpit leaders, and rightly so.

Godly Civics, Liberty Civics, and WePEG1787, are three WMDs that bring the battle into our Ababa Father’s theatre, His 1787 Creation, where WTP cannot lose because there is no Nahas’ Blue Faction politics. Our One Nation Under God is for everyone.

Our focus in Godly Civics is Religious Liberty, which only exists in Social Liberty. We do not preach the Gospel to an inanimate government. The Gospel is our motivation in Godly Civics, not our message. The message is WePEG1787, our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.

Believers must see our Abba Father’s hand in his 1787 Creation and then pivot to what He created for everyone: government by inviolate Principles, the Laws of Nature, never ideology, whims, or ideas, and especially not the Nahas’ false flag of Progressivism.

Our Abba Father created One Nation Under God for people to see Him through His imagers, us pulpit leaders, and the Body and want Him. Our Godly Civics brings more people to our Abba Father with our imaging and His 1787 Creation. Believers must become that image.

Person-to-Person ‘word of mouth’

Word of mouth is the only communication channel to deliver our winning message to its intended audience: people’s hearts. Our One Nation Under God was created and defended by word of mouth. WTP must ‘pyramid’ to like-minded people as carriers of the anecdote to give to those with the Progressive virus.

Godly Civics strategy is two-tiered; our ecclesiae must engage internally and then start their ‘mission exercise’ externally. Only the new paradigm embracing our Abba Father makes that possible.

The Body of Christ has the critical mass to fill the channel quickly with our succinct message of hope and love. Point people to the book or websites so they can learn privately. For many, WePEG1787 alone is the only safe referral. Our ‘ask’ is to look, not be the teacher, unless you are an experienced conservative activist.

A large percentage of believers do not embrace ecclesiae but still have a connection to our Abba Father. Only the Body of Christ can reach them in the field, and we must. Godly Civics strategy feeds them in an uplifting context of civics evangelism based on the miracle of a restored One Nation Under God with Godly Civics. Conservative groups are populated with believers and must join the mission.

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