Implementation Strategies

Table of Contents

Execution Strategies

Our Godly Civics is an execution strategy, not a philosophical dialog; get to work.

Remember, Godly Civics replaces “God says” in the Public Square.

It is also an open-minded strategy, hungry for improvement.

Note: This is a combined version for Social and Religious Liberty to download. 

Elevator Pitch

Godly Civics

Our Pulpit Leaders Escape From the Division of Politics

  • Too many (most) pulpit leaders avoid the division of politics in their worship centers.
  • Politics is ungodly; tax exemptions might be at risk; we avoid it all.
  • But if we do not see our Abba Father’s hand, we do not see the Nahas’ war against Jesus promulgated through nations and people on earth. Seeing that is our glory to God called in Ephesians 6.
  • Scripture ended with “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” and “there is no authority except that which God has established.” And our ecclesiae hid from “Caesar.” Too many still hide today.
  • But when the Mayflower left England, it left “Caesar” behind. There is no “Caesar” in our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation! He ended the 1 Samuel 8 kingship model and set a new paradigm, Eden 2.0.
  • Our Abba Father is in our hearts (the Free Exercise Clause). His new government is His Laws of Nature (Principles) that determine all outcomes (the Establishment Clause), Eden 2.0; never human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots in authority destroying our DOI “right to consent” to our government.
  • Our representatives and WTP are to seek and unpack the Laws of Nature to produce the most extraordinary outcomes for WTP and freely image our Abba Father to get all we can into Heaven.
  • It is not just about a nation but His last nation to get all the souls we can into Heaven.
  • Our ecclesiae must teach His 1787 Creation, “go and make godly citizens,” to choose representatives who seek His Laws of Nature. That is a mission exercise, not a pulpit exercise.
  • com is a comprehensive set of governing Principles (Laws of Nature) to replace political factions. To earn our votes, every candidate must score 0-10 and post their WePEG1787 Principles.
  • There is zero place in the Laws of Nature for political factions seeking their power and interests to rule WTP.
  • Our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation is a complete life system for all in Eden 2.0. that glorifies our Abba Father, and our ecclesiae should be proud to make godly citizens and unite under Yahweh-Nissi – the Lord is my banner.

Everyone’s Escape From the Division of Politics

  • Social Liberty, in free will and morality, is the sovereign state in which humans are our best.
  • We must see our USA as the fortress of Social Liberty for the world.
  • Evil rulers must destroy Social Liberty and morality to subjugate “we the people.”
  • If we do not see evil in those who seek to destroy Social Liberty, “we the people” will surrender.
  • Red vs. Blue is evil’s theatre of war for power; Social Liberty’s theatre seeks the Laws of Nature for Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.
  • Morality is in people’s hearts, and our government is the Laws of Nature for everyone, like the sun and the rain. That is our First Amendment.
  • Our representatives are stewards and seekers of the Laws of Nature, which works best for the most “we the people.”
  • The Laws of Nature are the inviolate forces and systems of the universe, including social systems, and if violated, adverse outcomes must happen. WePEG1787 is a starting draft to score in agreement by all candidates to earn our votes. It will be ready for the 2026 election.
  • The only answer is a return to government that works for all. Social Liberty, in free will with morality, unleashes the power in millions of people. “We the people” are the people in Social Liberty.
  • Imagine 237 years of discovering the Laws of Nature instead of political jousting for power.

Email Distribution Messages

These two message scripts for believers and non-believers are simple and to the point for those who know something is wrong with our USA but are too overwhelmed in life to do much.

We aim for 30 million new people to vote on the side of Social Liberty. If you are a Social Liberty activist already, give it your all. Word of mouth is the only open communication channel to the target audience, and the pyramid strategy of telling people to tell people is how our USA defeated the British church-state system.

To the Body of Christ:

Attach the Elevator Pitch.

Subject: Why aren’t the churches doing more to save our One Nation Under God?

Dear Friend,

Everyone asks the question above. Finally, a website, (or the book “Godly Civics”), frees the Body of Christ and our pulpit leaders from the division of politics banned from most worship centers. Now, we engage in Godly Civics in glory to our Abba Father!

The website or book explains everything, starting with overviews. It is the answer we have been waiting for. Please go to the website and check it out, or get the book on Amazon.

Then, send this email to every believer you know every way you can. Godly Civics does not take donations, subscriptions, contacts, or emails to be hacked because “we the people,” do all the work from here. There is nothing in it except Life, Social Liberty, and Happiness for All, plus more souls in Heaven—blessings to you.

To Non-Believers or not sure.

Attach the bottom half of the Elevator Pitch

Subject: Why aren’t the lovers of Social Liberty doing more to save it?

Dear Friend,

Everyone asks the question above. Finally, a website, https://Social frees the lovers of Life, Social, and Religious Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All from the division of politics and takes us back to our founding in Social Liberty. Now, we have the strategy and tools needed to engage and win the hearts and minds of the victims possessed by Progressivism.

The website explains everything; It is the answer we have been waiting for. Please go to the website and check it out.

Then, please send it to everyone you know, every way you can. Godly Civics does not take donations, subscriptions, contacts, or emails to hack; there is nothing in it for them except a future for all children.

The Body of Christ Strategy

Our Godly Civics will manifest in our ecclesiae from the bottom up, the top down, and the middle out. If that sounds familiar, think again; all three work in unison in Godly Civics. Some ecclesiae are already active in civics. Others will join, as in 1776, with active pulpit leaders/elders at the top or members of the Body coming together to start from the bottom.

The trend of home-based Holy Bible studies is sweeping the nation. The Body can do the same with Godly Civics and present it to the elders, especially in mega ecclesiae. But make no mistake, Godly Civics does not do politics, full stop.

Politics is the enemy’s theatre of war and has no place in our ecclesiae. Social Liberty is for all WTP to restore our governments to our Abba Father’s Laws of Nature without political factions between WTP and our representatives and governments. Our Godly Civics is believers doing Social Liberty in glory to our Abba Father. Under no circumstances does our Godly Civics preach to our government or in the public square relative to it or our representatives.

That is the only hard rule in Godly Civics, taken from Paul in 1 Corinthians 9. Please read the entire chapter because you will see that our Godly Civics, if done well, will bring many others to our Abba Father. Here is a partial, V9:19-22,

“For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”

Most conservative groups are populated with believers waiting for a complete message that glorifies our Abba Father and our DOI/COTUS they can share with other believers and pulpit leaders in their sphere.

Conservative groups are starting to cross-pollinate, and many inactive believers are also looking for such a message to become active because WTP’s situation is dire. Our One Nation Under God is under siege and about to go down if the Body of Christ does not fully engage.

Our Godly Civics will energize the Body of Christ into action. It is a new paradigm today that believers can be proud of. It simply recreates our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, which political factions have destroyed. The word-of-mouth pyramid will grow exceptionally fast and quickly achieve critical mass in the Body.

Pyramid business schemes are illegal because they run out of people too quickly before the later layers can cash in. But there is nothing like them for spreading a critical message. The great failure of conservative talk is that it does not reach enough people, and the leftist enemy has demonized them with our target audience of possible converts. The Nahas cannot demonize our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation to a believer.

We refer non-believers to Liberty Civics with Liberty School and WePEG1787. We can show Blue Faction followers WePEG1787 in love with the phrase, “You might want to look at this.”

If they push back afterward, suggest they pick a Principle set and share their objection. Now you have a conversation on a founding Principle, not an ideology debate about political factions. They might even ask you what makes you so nice.

Most Blue Faction voters do not pay attention and vote by habit. Word-of-mouth will reach them, whereas the Red Faction will never reach them. Their eyes are already opened by circumstance, but their disdain for the Red Faction goes back a long way, especially in Blue states and cities. To quote P45/47, “What do you have to lose?”

The Ecclesia Strategy

Level One - Minimalist Strategy for Our Ecclesiae

The Minimalist Strategy stays mainly inside the ecclesia with a pulpit leader shy about civics engagement, at least for now. That is understood and expected because our Godly Civics has only recently launched.

But confidence should grow as our experience grows. WePEG1787 reflects our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation and replaces the division of political factions. If a pulpit leader cannot engage, Godly Civics only has prayer. Sooner or later, you will get it.

The Minimalist Strategy is simple: Appoint and train with the three websites (or books) a trusted conservative leader, name the mission, form a committee, steer the Body to our Abba Father’s Godly Civics, Liberty Civics websites (or books) and WePEG1787, and encourage everyone to embrace WePEG1787 and our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation as a substitute for both political factions. Also, remember the word-of-mouth part of the strategy, telling others personally.

The Mission Leader should become proficient in all three websites and make Godly Civics known to the flock with WePEG1787, stressing that it is not politics but our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. Also, remember that Liberty Civics is part of Godly Civics for everyone.

Ensure that WePEG1787 is known to all local candidates (dog catchers to Congress) and that WTP expects WePEG1787 to be scored and posted on their website to earn our votes. That does not concern a candidate’s political faction; all factions can score WePEG1787.

Imagine every ecclesia in the county doing that; it will result in a vast Social Liberty base. In addition, encourage the Body to make Godly Civics known to as many WTP as possible.

When people understand Godly Civics and Liberty Civics with WePEG1787, there is no reason for pulpit leaders to speak publicly about elections; Godly Civics would rather we do not. Our One Nation Under God does not have a national preacher; all elections are local, and WePEG1787 removes all the civics pressure; it is our Holy Spirit-inspired work.

Under no circumstances do we use the name of the ecclesia in the public square. ‘Real Impact’ is a mission name example. Real Impact is also all-in at Level 3 and a great source of information. There is no need to reinvent the wheel; their contact info is in Level 3.

Those interested in more action with Godly or Liberty Civics can work through the appointed leader. Until we have the WePEG1787 scores, the Body cannot choose who they will vote for. Every ecclesia member should also score WePEG1787 to see who we are.

Then, the Body votes for the candidates with very high WePEG1787 scores and holds them accountable. There is not much wiggle room. Let Godly Civics and WePEG1787 do the talking, and those in the Body who are active in civics should make everyone aware of Godly and Liberty Civics.

Level Two – Local Election Strategy

First, all of the above applies. School boards and city and county Boards of Supervisors are local, nonpartisan elections that govern our ecclesiae’s community. Some pulpit leaders are now running for school board and city/county representatives.

School boards define what they teach our children in public schools. But our schools are not just about parents; what they teach today is everyone’s world tomorrow. The entire Body must unite with all parents to elect Principled members on all local boards.

Again, appoint a trusted conservative member to organize and name a mission team to gather information and inform the Body in a separate bulletin. The strategy is to overwhelm the enemy at school, county, and city board meetings and make it known that parents are retaking their communities. Politics should not be a factor in nonpartisan elections. But it is because the Blue Faction must take possession of our schools and counties to rule WTP.

WePEG1787 can unite all the local ecclesiae under Yahweh-Nissi into a force that cannot lose in local elections because WePEG1787 is simply what our Abba Father created for everyone. The group at this level will also send Godly Civics to everyone they can on social media and in every other way they can.

Level Three – The Liberty Pastor Movement

The Liberty Pastor Movement is all-in on returning to our DOI/COTUS government. They are the trailblazers we must applaud. Godly Civics takes the movement to another level with our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, viewing it from His eyes in Godly Civics, never political factions.

Level Three demands that we enforce election integrity in our counties. The Liberty Pastor movement already has resources beyond Godly Civics, including a three-day or online Liberty Pastor training program. They are most effective in cities and states where “God says” still works.

In deep Blue states and cities where the Red Faction can only try to outvote them in the rest of the states, Godly Civics can go everywhere through the Body of Christ. We pray that thousands more ecclesiae will be added nationwide, with Godly Civics and WePEG1787 added to the cause.

Level Three also collects ballots at the ecclesia, sends newsletters, holds Zoom meetings, etc., and delivers local civics news about what is destructive to our Abba Father.

These resources are exceptional:

Note: There is no endorsement implied from listing these references.

Real Impact in CA is the all-in model, and they want to help other ecclesiae engage. Real Impact is their operating name to minimize drawing fire to the ecclesia.


or go to Real Impact Insider (Click)

Salt and Light is a nationwide support group. Click here for their website.


Salt and Light works closely with:

Social Liberty Pastors: Click here for their website.

Level Four -  Mega Churches and Denominations

 Godly Civics is like the North Star, guiding the reader to a savior to redeem a dying nation called One Nation Under God. That savior is the Body of Christ and our ecclesiae with the Holy Spirit.

Somewhere out there are Mega-Pulpit Leaders, seminary presidents, ecclesia organizations, and who knows who else will show up and glorify our Abba Father in Godly Civics. Our Abba Father works strangely, starting with believers picking up their crosses.

Last Words

As citizens, we must protect our Representative Constitutional Republic at all costs. The division of politics has silenced too many liberty-loving people for too long, and that ends today.

Liberty Civics restored pride to “what is right” for the first time since the 1960s. All that is needed is to make this book or website known to everyone you can with maximum effort and let the work take it from there without confrontation, debate, or division. Blessings to you!

You have completed Godly Civics

Liberty Civics and WePEG1787 Buttons are in the Footer.

Spread the word to everyone and blessings to you.

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