His 1776 Creation

The Eight Tenets of Godly Civics

Godly Civics enumerates eight tenets for us pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ to glorify our Abba Father at the ballot box. Then, the section expands on them. The following chapter, Bringing All Pulpit Leaders to Godly Civics, and the rest of the book make the case and lead the way.

Tenet 1. Our first tenet is that Godly Civics is a mission exercise, not a pulpit exercise, “go and make godly citizens.” The Body of Christ is the voters; everyone must engage and spread the word. If done well, it will also bring more people to Heaven.

Tenet 2. Our second tenet is seeing our Abba Father’s hand in His 1776 Creation. If we do not see our Abba Father’s hand, we do not see the Nahas’ war against Jesus promulgated through nations and people on earth. “Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath” (Rev. 12:12).

What is the end-time, but the choice between our Abba Father or the Nahas’ world government with nowhere to hide? The Nahas had his world grip if P45/47 lost the 2024 election.

Tenet 3. Our third tenet is our Abba Father’s historic sea change in ending the Nahas spirit-human kingship installed in 1 Samuel that existed to the end of Scripture and beyond until 1776. Our Abba Father installed Eden 2.0: Social Liberty for all WTP in free will and Religious Liberty with Him in our hearts to image, worship, and glorify Him freely. We must pass this on to our children’s children.

Tenet 4. Our fourth tenet is our Abba Father’s call to the Body of Christ in Ephesians 6, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Our USA elections are the only place to stand and fight the Nahas in our government. Ephesians 6 is about the fight, not the armor. It is a metaphor for faith; like real armor, too many believers take it off because it gets in their way.

Tenet 5. Our fifth tenet is, “All good things come from God” (James 1:17), especially our One Nation Under God with Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

Tenet 6. Our sixth tenet is that our Abba Father hates political factions; they are the Nahas’ work, destroying our One Nation Under God. That is why Benjamin Franklin answered Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question: “A republic if you can keep it.” Notice he said “you,” referring to WTP. Only the Body of Christ can keep it because the Nahas must destroy it.

Tenet 7. Our seventh tenet is that Religious Liberty can only exist inside Social Liberty; it cannot stand alone. We went to war for Social Liberty in our DOI before creating Religious Liberty in our COTUS.

Tenet 8. The Body of Christ must restore the family as the first responder in society. If the Nahas captures our Social Liberty, there is nowhere to go. Our pulpit leaders must never again shun elections with the Godly Civics “North Star” leading the way.

Social Liberty and the Nahas

Everything starts with Social Liberty and the Nahas. “God blessed them and said to them, “. . . fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature . . .” (Gen. 1:28). Our Abba Father created mankind with Social Liberty and free will in Eden 1.0, but why? It is imperative to know why, and Genesis does not say.

We do not find why until thousands of years after Genesis 1 in Isaiah 43:7, “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory . . .” Our Abba Father created us to glorify Him! Paul confirms Isaiah in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Most believers know Paul’s statement, but few know it is why our Abba Father created us.

Neither verse includes, “except in our civics.” Religious Liberty is required inside Social Liberty to image and glorify our Abba Father without restraint.

With Godly Civics, there is no longer any excuse to mark ballots that do not glorify our Abba Father – a tiny mark with enormous consequences. Please note Godly Civics does not speak for our Abba Father; the Holy Spirit inspired it to glorify our Abba Father, regardless of denomination. Everyone can find a way to glorify our Abba Father in Godly Civics.

Something else happened in the Garden that has shaped mankind ever since: the Nahas. “And I will put enmity Between you (Nahas) and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall crush your head . . .” (Gen. 3:15 NIV). Jesus is going to crush the Nahas’ head. Most translations say “bruise,” which dilutes the verse. The Nahas is fighting for his life. We know he loses, but what is the cost to mankind until then? Please pray on that; we pulpit leaders help control the cost.

When Cain killed Abel, the Nahas thought he had ended the seed line for victory. That was not the case. Genesis 4:7 says, “But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis blames Cain and sin, the staple of preaching.

However, thousands of years later, we get the whole story in a letter from John: “Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother” (1 John 3:12). The Nahas did not stop there.

Too many pulpit leaders minimize the Nahas’ work in world events, perhaps because our Abba Father ultimately defeats him. But Ephesians 6 is every believer’s call, ” . . . put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” The ballot box is where we stand against the Nahas for our Social and Religious Liberty.

Look at Revelation 12:9, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” “His angels” are the “spirit” in the spirit-human kingship. Verse 12:17, “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

John wrote the Revelation to prepare us for today, not to check now and then to see if we are getting close to the end and should shape up. The rest of “the woman’s offspring” is the Body of Christ.

Our point is that if we do not see our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, we do not see the war between the Nahas and Jesus in which we are the piñata; this is where so many pulpit leaders have missed the mark by ignoring the Nahas’ political theater of war as if our ecclesiae are above it.

Our One Nation Under God’s Eden 2.0 design (Social and Religious Liberty) and the end of the ‘Nahas spirit-human kingship governing’ is a massive sea change we can see happen, and the Nahas’ political factions have destroyed it. Please pray on that.

His 1776 Creation

We start with Genesis 11:8, “That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there, the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.” Everyone knows the scatter, but very few know the rest of the story.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9 makes a profound statement about the Tower of Babel event that believers rarely hear, “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (the bene-Elohim). But the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob (Israel) his allotted heritage.”

The people were not just scattered; our Abba Father created nations, and, most importantly, He assigned a spirit (the bene-Elohim) to each nation except Israel, which our Abba Father took for Himself. Our Abba Father taking a nation for Himself is profound; the signs point to Him doing it again in 1776.

 Daniel 10 illuminates the relationships with the spirit world, kings, and nations. There is Daniel (human), the Prince of Persia (spirit), Gabriel and Michael (Angels), and the King of Persia (human) in one scene. Daniel’s Prophecies illumine how the spirit world works on earth; it is not just end-time Apologia.

The spirit world of our Abba Father, his spirit beings, and the Nahas’ spirit army are an integral part of human life. Too many pulpit leaders are hesitant to openly embrace the spirit world in our daily lives, even though it is the force behind Progressivism’s depravity.

We cannot have a spirit God and Father, a spirit Savior, a spirit Uncle (?), and a spirit enemy and not embrace the spirit world. When we ignore the spirit world, there is nothing else to blame except our fellow citizens. In the Upper Room, Jesus condemned the Nahas, not Peter, “Get behind me satana” (Mat. 16:23). Fighting with each other is the Nahas’ work to weaken WTP. Fighting the Nahas in unity is our Abba Father’s call.

We know how the Nahas kingship nations turned out, but one verse is critical. 1 Samuel 8:4, “. . . Now, make us a king.” All other nations had a spirit-human kingship; kings were part of life for the rest of Scripture and beyond until 1776. This passage is profound: our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation ended the spirit-human kingship model governing His new nation.

Our Abba Father birthed a nation governed by His inviolate Laws of Nature for everyone, like the sun and rain. Our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation restored Eden’s structure, Himself in His people’s hearts, with the Laws of Nature, revealing how He designed it to work. Please pray on that.

Christian history also misses our Abba Father putting a group of rebels against the European church-state system (the Pilgrims) on a new Arc, the Mayflower. He also included needed skilled helpers and families. He sent them to a virgin land free of local ruling government to start a new nation for all His people governed by His inviolate Laws of Nature.

We see the Pilgrims as our Abba Father’s starter dough like Noah, Moses, Abraham, and the disciples were after major Nahas victories. The Pilgrims’ journey was to His new and last nation, owned by all WTP and governed by His Laws of Nature for everyone (inviolate Principles). Never human whims, rulers, political factions, or despots again. There is no difference between “give us a king” and supporting political factions between WTP and our government.

The Laws of Nature hold our universe together in Social Liberty so believers can image our Abba Father freely and get more people into Heaven. And, with our connection to our Abba Father through the Holy Spirit and Jesus, we are more equipped than ever to image Him to others. With Godly Civics, the Body of Christ will bring many more to Heaven in glory to our Abba Father.

This is also profound: the Pilgrims left behind: “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Mark 12:17) with their journey to create our Abba Father’s last nation without the spirit-human kingship. We only see that through His eyes as His 1776 Creation!

Godly Civics is not only about a nation but about getting more people into Heaven. Passing Social Liberty on to our children’s children is critical to the mission, and our pulpit leaders have no excuse for not engaging in glory to our Abba Father.

Israel and Christians both proved beyond all doubt that humans alone cannot keep the Nahas from capturing their king or faction. With the inviolate Laws of Nature and Justice to govern WTP, Social Liberty is our Abba Father’s sovereign state for all, going back to Eden 1.0. That is why Life and Liberty are inalienable rights, as stated in our DOI. In Eden 2.0, His people were never again to be governed by human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots, but WTP failed. WTP must repent, about-face, and redeem our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, or there will be ‘hell to pay.”

The Nahas will try to muddle the Laws of Nature but should not be successful if we adhere to the Laws of Nature, “the Scientific Method.” For example, in the COVID epidemic, the NIAID Director not only chose drugs that gave him government power and lined his pocket, but he silenced expertise in the public square, a gross violation of the Scientific Method that should come with jail time.

As a WePEG1787 governing principle, our candidates must score 0-10 on their stand on the Scientific Method. The Red Faction is feckless because they only know political faction power and have none. That leaves nothing worthwhile to talk about. The Climate Change hoax will end with 20 minutes of Scientific Method; it is as absurd a political debate as we will ever see.

Today, scientists never speak; their unknown signatures are only on survey letters. P45/47 is breaking that up but still in the name of politics, not the Laws of Nature. When we see through our Abba Father’s eyes what He started in 1620 and finished in 1787, it is almost impossible not to engage vigorously.

Also, by definition, government can never provide happiness; we must have the right to pursue it freely in religion or any other philosophy that is not harmful to others. That is why it is the third inalienable right in our DOI. Few people understand that. Progressivism is very harmful to WTP.

Two Liberties – Two Strategies

Godly Civics stands on Social Liberty and free will for everyone, as our Abba Father’s human creation since Eden 1.0. Liberty Civics dives deeper for everyone. Social Liberty in free will is our Abba Father’s sovereign state for the human race. However, there are two Liberties in His 1776 Creation: Social Liberty for everyone, like the sun and rain, and Religious Liberty for believers (and other faiths). Furthermore, Religious Liberty can only exist inside Social Liberty; it cannot stand alone. Too many pulpit leaders have missed that, and we must show them Godly Civics.

Our Social Liberty is in our DOI, guided by our Abba Father, and He is our justification for dying for Social Liberty. That is Social Liberty’s value. The Holy Bible is the only source of “that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Like the sun and rain, Social Liberty is for everyone. That is called General Theology for everyone by scholars.

Also, Nature’s God in our DOI is not God-light. It only means that the concept of Social Liberty is supreme above all humans, regardless of God or no God. Our founders knew they could not govern by “God says” (Holy Roman Empire) and knew full well who the Creator is; they mentioned Him in our DOI.

Like all enemies of Social Liberty, the British disagreed, and we fought them to the death. That has never changed in the world. The “Nature’s God” moniker is vestigial after 249 years of living in Social Liberty and today’s “choked-out Social Liberty.” Social Liberty is now a proven Law of Nature that we should not violate, or adverse outcomes must happen; it is the Law (of Nature)!

A God vs. no God Divide

We must never create a “God vs. no God” divide in our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation; that cannot survive. Too many pulpit leaders preach “God says” in the public square against sinful legislation; this is a problem because it does more harm than good and brings no one to our Abba Father. John 14:16-17,

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him.”

Please pray on that; we pulpit leaders are naked in politics in the public square. This sentence is subtle, but Jesus and the disciples did not just yell the Gospel words at people to condemn them.

Our Founding Fathers knew they could not govern by “God says,” that was the Holy Roman Empire’s depravity, deep on their minds with the Saleem Witch Trials. Our Abba Father put Himself in our hearts (the Free Exercise Clause) to freely image Him to others and never in any government (the Establishment Clause). But that is only half the story.

Preaching to political factions on politics in the public square cannot work; it is the Nahas’ theatre, and the Holy Spirit is not there! Our Abba Father’s theatre is the Laws of Nature, His 1776 Creation for everyone. Our representatives must be stewards and seekers of the Laws of Nature. WePEG1787 is the only argument in the public square that glorifies our Abba Father because it is His new government design, and the Holy Spirit is with us.

Our Godly Civics Strategy

Here is the Godly Civics strategy: everything said about our Abba Father and Social Liberty works equally well in the public square with Social Liberty and morality. Believers have a higher calling for Social Liberty, not a higher Social Liberty.

Social Liberty with morality always produces the best outcome for most people, God or no God in the people’s hearts. We argue that the Laws of Nature, family, and morality work for most of society because they must; it is the Law (of Nature).

Studies always reveal the damage immorality causes in society, but the Nahas’ media stifles the data without the Scientific Method. The Nahas’ political debate is about freedom to be immoral, and the Red Faction has no argument, so our pulpit leaders step in with the sin argument that cannot win because it has no power in the public square.

WePEG1787 provides the needed power to move the debate from freedom to Social Liberty and morality where the Nahas cannot win. Showing non-believers the rewards of Social Liberty and morality will open the door for many to hear where it comes from.

The Christian athlete is a Godly Civics model. They play the game in glory to our Abba Father but play to win according to the game’s rules, never to condemn the opponent nor get the team into Heaven. But their Image of our Abba Father brings in “a few” (Paul).

Like in sports, too many of our representative ‘players’ are immoral in iniquity, but that is not our first measure for advancing our Social and Religious Liberty. Our first measure is WePEG1787, an exact revelation of how they will advance Social and Religious Liberty. The good news is that people with positive Principles will govern with them without the Nahas political faction pressure.

Inside our Ecclesiae

Today’s Blue Faction depravity looks very similar to Baal worship in the Old Testament, the god of Canaan and Phoenicia infiltrating Israel. There is no difference between Baal worshippers and Nahas’ the Blue Faction sacrificing babies in the womb and total depravity in life.

Our Abba Father has given us the words to preach in Scripture, not politics. Jeremiah 7:8-10, “Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, ‘We are delivered!’-only to go on doing all these abominations?”

Jeremiah said our needed Scripture words long before One Nation Under God and political factions existed. We must recognize the connection between Baal worship and today’s Blue Faction because the same force is behind both: the Nahas.

If murdering and maiming children, destroying the definition of a woman, substituting government for parents, destroying private property, silencing our ecclesiae, plundering WTP’s treasure, and opening the gates to all the enemies of Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All is not enough, may heaven help you.

Let’s look at our job in the Family business, both pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ: Jeremiah 19:14-15, “Then Jeremiah came from Tophet . . . and said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear My words.”

Our Abba Father will punish today’s Baal followers. That is not our assignment; we cannot influence the enemy’s spirit world. But we pulpit leaders and the Body have a solemn duty to teach our flocks that serving today’s Baal is fatal and Progressivism, unlimited federal power, is today’s Baal. We must vote the Nahas’ servants out of our government.

Red vs. Blue is the Nahas’ theatre, and seeking the Laws of Nature is our Abba Father’s theatre. When our ecclesiae ignore our Abba Father in politics, all is lost because ‘standing against the wiles of the Nahas’ is not an option. Godly Civics is the only answer in glory to our Abba Father.

Godly Civics gets the most people into Heaven, which is our driving force and is why we must pass our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation to our children’s children. That only happens when our ecclesiae teach it.

Believers must defend Social Liberty at all costs; that is precisely what our Founding Fathers designed with God’s hand with the thirteen sovereign colonies united for protection, not daily governing. Without that design, there would be no One Nation Under God.

Sadly, political Supreme Court judges have eviscerated WTP’s 10A by defining “general welfare” as “enumerated,” which opened the floodgates for federal power. ‘No, Mrs. Powel, we did not keep our Republic.’

The Nahas’ Blue Faction has conquered every institution there is, including our elections, to destroy our God-given gifts of Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All. Our situation is dire. WTP, especially believers, must fight the Social Liberty War again as the North fought in 1861; 2024 was our last chance with peaceful, honest ballots, and we produced enough to stay afloat, but until we remove political factions from controlling our elections, the Nahas Blue Faction will win seats and return.

Believers must see our One Nation Under God through our Abba Father’s eyes as His 1776 Creation, His last nation designed to make it to the end-time to get all we can into Heaven. But only if we believers do our job.

Liberating our Ecclesiae

Our Abba Father knew political factions would destroy our Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and ordained our USA to self-correct. That is our call today. Godly Civics is unique in that it takes us back to our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation and examines it through His eyes, not ours. For the first time, a civics strategy satisfies our Abba Father and our DOI/COTUS: Godly Civics, not political factions.

Godly Civics liberates us pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ from the Nahas’ political factions and does all the talking; share it within your ecclesiae and wherever else it can be shared comfortably; no division is allowed. With Godly Civics, we pulpit leaders focus on people’s souls; there is no need to draw political fire to our ecclesiae.

Our government failed WTP during the COVID-19 pandemic, and our pulpit leaders failed their flocks. That cannot happen again. Now that we have proved that, as created, our federal government is never the answer except for safety, order, and infrastructure. It is time to educate ourselves on our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation because our only hope is to redeem it. WePEG1787 is the only government that works for all His people. WePEG1787 is our best attempt to be that government.

On March 20, 1775, a man stood up in St. John’s Church in Virginia and said, “Give me Liberty, or give me death.” Our Abba Father gave us Social Liberty as the rightful creation of mankind, a society designed to be governed by His inviolate, never-changing Principles called the Laws of Nature, never by whimsical leaders, ideologies, or political faction self-interest.

Our pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ played a significant role in our War for Independence, and the “Black Robe Regiment” brought the courage needed to win. The British Empire called it “the Protestant Revolution.” In 1776, our pulpit leaders and the Body fought to their death beside non-believers to create our Abba Father’s Social Liberty and Justice for All. That declares Social Liberty’s value; millions more souls and bodies have been sacrificed since then for Social Liberty.

Godly Civics‘ mission is not just about our USA; it is about keeping Religious Liberty alive as long as possible to bring as many souls as possible into Heaven before Judgment Day. Our focus today is not on what our Founding Fathers did; we must see what our Abba Father did in 1776-1787. Our founding is His work, and we must restore it. We, pulpit leaders and the Body, need a paradigm shift in our view of elections. But our new paradigm is not new. Our Abba Father created it in 1776, but we no longer teach or revere it.    

As believers, we know our Abba Father is the creator of all things good, including our One Nation Under God. But he created it for believers and non-believers to bring Him more souls. Godly Civics is for the ecclesiae; for those more active in the Gen Pop, we coined Liberty-Civics to unite with civil society for a massive victory. We must not divide our USA into a ‘God vs. no God’ society.

Voting is a free-will choice, and our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation requires a moral nation that elects moral representatives with WTP’s best interests at heart, guided by our DOI/COTUS and WePEG1787. Our ecclesiae must embrace how to choose representatives with WePEG1787, as explained in our DOI and ordained by our Abba Father for Social and Religious Liberty.

Godly Civics solves our biggest problem: the Nahas and the beasts are known to true believers in Christ but not to the many in our nation who still do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That divide has frozen our ecclesiae since the 1960s rebellions against everything our USA held dear. That was the beginning of the Leftist Enemy’s sprint to the end, and our USA was so far removed from our founding that our ecclesiae were not ready and have never recovered.

Godly Civics’ strategy is to make Godly Civics, Liberty Civics, and WePEG1787 known to as many people as possible in every possible way and let it do their jobs without confrontation or division. As a new paradigm, it requires time to bring it to the forefront for victory. We must do it; the Body of Christ is the only answer.

Uniting the Body of Christ

Jesus will return before Christians unite in worship. Many ask, if our hundreds of ecclesia denominations cannot even unite with our Abba Father, how can we ever unite in Godly Civics? The answer is simple. Every ecclesia has two things in common: the need for Religious Liberty and the Yahweh-Nissi flag (or Jehovah-Nissi): “God is our Banner.” It appears once in Scripture when Israel defeated the Amakelites, perhaps for today’s world.

The entire ecclesiae community can embrace His banner and engage in Godly Civics with our multitude of ecclesia doctrines and DNA intact. Yahweh/Jehovah-Nissi!

Godly Civics is a North Star to guide everyone back to our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. Point people to it, let Godly Civics deliver the message privately, and end the political division.

One unifying force for believers, Religious Liberty, can only exist inside Social Liberty. Every denomination must have Religious Liberty. That is precisely what the thirteen colonies created with our Abba Father’s hand. Having fought to the death for both liberties, our founders knew both fights merged into one.

Look at Old Testament Israel. God destroyed it with enemy attacks when the people turned away from Him. Praying for our Abba Father to fix our disobedient failures is not the answer; obedience is the answer, and Godly Civics is obedience in glory to Him. Then, we have a righteous prayer for help and provision, not a rescue from our Abba Father.

Yet almost every denomination and church in our USA believes they are above our USA, are safe harbors much more than disciple staging centers, and being saved is all that matters – passing on Social Liberty with Religious Liberty to our children’s children to get more people into Heaven for as long as possible never cross their minds. That MUST change in glory to our Abba Father starting today.

Red vs. Blue is the Nahas’ theatre, not our Abba Father’s. His theatre is His inviolate Laws of Nature for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness for All. Our Abba Father’s call to all believers is in Eph. 6, “Stand against the wiles of the devil.” There is only one place to stand against the devil for our One Nation Under God: at the ballot box! We add to Jesus’ last words to the eleven (Mat.28:17), “Go and make godly citizens.”

Social Issues

The power of WePEG1787 is drawing all of the Nahas’ Blue Faction Social Issue weapons into our Abba Father’s theatre of governing Principles and defining them within the related Laws of Nature. Every social issue is definable in Principles and scored in the level of agreement or not. WePEG1787 integrates all the social issues into a set of Principles and eviscerates the GL-PSYOP tropes the Left uses to weaponize the social issues for political gain.

For example, where does a “woman’s right to choose” come from? Only with a megaphone shouting, “We have the right!” The only relevant “woman’s right to choose” is to not let sperm into her birth canal. Only when men and women exercise that inalienable right can WTP decide a rational solution for the few remaining incidents.

Taking life legally can only be resolved as an exception to murder and manslaughter; life itself cannot have two values. Our DOI says we are “created,” not born, with the right to life.

It is impossible to settle the social issues in the political theatre of war because the debate is like ‘apples vs. fireplace irons;’ it makes no sense and is impossible to debate. One side wants political faction power, and the other wants to preach. WePEG1787 creates a new theatre and the opportunity to get control of social issues in the context of the Laws of Nature.

Unwanted pregnancy is 99% avoidable with sperm control. In 2023, about 43,000 people were killed in gun violence and over a million in abortion. Sperm control will save orders of magnitude more lives than gun control (about 25 times more).

We have no choice but to right the ship of state to Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All and define social issues in a Principled context. Only then can rational decisions be made.

When the Body of Christ demands every candidate to score the WePEG1787 document to get our vote, the Social Issues get solved, and we can move on to posterity. Please pray on that.

The following is a sample from the Proof-of-Concept draft of WePEG1787 for women’s healthcare, which the Left uses to normalize abortion. The line is to score agreement levels 0 to 10. Everyone can score it and tell us how they will govern and be measured in the next election.

P14 set 4: Woman's Healthcare __

  1. __ There is a self-defeating argument in the political factions’ masking the taking of Life in abortion as “women’s healthcare.”
  2. __ Healthcare has very high standards of care, ethics, government regulations, and reporting. Its oath is, “First, do no harm.” If abortion is healthcare, it must follow the regulations.
  3. __ Virtually every malady the healthcare industry treats starts with preventive efforts to avoid the need for treatment.
  4. __ There is little political faction influence involved in managing proper healthcare facilities.
  5. __ As a society, we do not sell body parts but manage our blood supply through non-profit entities. We must treat abortion the same.
  6. __ The abortion industry makes massive profits from people’s most difficult moments with zero burden of any typical healthcare regulations. The profits then go to political factions to ensure more profits.
  7. __ If abortion is healthcare, a serious effort would be launched to reduce abortions by orders of magnitude because there are serious repercussions rarely reported.
  8. __ Facilitating adoption would have a natural ally in healthcare.
  9. __ The number one abortion provider has a $Billion revenue and is exempt from the restrictions placed on healthcare facilities, especially in reporting deaths and undesired outcomes. It is common to transport an abortion fatality to a hospital and record the death there.
  10. __ Our representatives receive campaign support, and in return, our representatives pass subsidies of WTP’s money back to the number one abortion provider, usually masked through a middle non-profit.
  11. __ The political influence the number one provider can buy is a disgrace to humanity and a huge ethical dilemma. Especially if abortion were healthcare.
  12. __ What is especially insidious is using large profits to grow market share and promote abortion by encouraging women to make a decision many suffer for the rest of their lives.
  13. __ It is morally repugnant to bribe politicians to suppress in our schools the ethical message of not getting pregnant until marriage and after graduation, which almost guarantees a middle-class life.

Prayerfully, you can see the power of forcing the debate into Principles, not demagoguing “Megaphone Rights.”

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