Table of Contents
Social Liberty with free will, what we call Eden 2.0, is our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation and design for His people to be free to glorify Him and image Him to others. As soon as our Abba Father created it, the Nahas talked them into giving it up, and the war to the end with the Nahas began. WTP must see our One Nation Under God through our Abba Father’s eyes, not just our Founding Fathers.’ And see our job in the ‘Family Business’ (Family of God), getting all the souls we can into Heaven.
Our Inspiration
Pastor John Piper has a great line, “Maybe God made the universe so huge and man so small to say something about Himself.” Let that set our stage on this journey.
The Holy Spirit inspires Godly Civics to glorify our Abba Father in our civics by seeing His 1776 Creation, our One Nation Under God, through His eyes, not our Founding Fathers. Godly Civics ends the division of politics, which few pulpit leaders allow in their ecclesiae. We invite all pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ to glorify our Abba Father in Godly Civics and add to Jesus’ last words to the eleven, “Go and make godly citizens.”
Godly Civics is about getting all we can into Heaven, not just saving a nation, and we must pass His last nation on to our children’s children as created. It is impossible to do that with today’s version of a political faction government, which has frozen most pulpit leaders since the 1960’s. Godly Civics leads the way and unites the Body of Christ into the army needed to “stand against the wiles of the Nahas” (Eph. 6). Our WMD, WePEG1787, is explained below. It is “the stone we sling to defeat our Goliath government.”
Biblical History
Our Abba Father created Adam and ‘the woman’ in Eden 1.0 with Social Liberty and free will to subdue the world (she wasn’t Eve until after the fall). The Nahas instantly destroyed it, and our Abba Father said someday, the woman’s seed would crush the Nahas’ head. The Nahas thought he won by ending the seed line when Cain killed Abel. But he didn’t, and like with Cain, the Nahas then captured everyone except Noah’s family. The Nahas is that committed against our Abba Father’s children.
The Family was the government with tribe leaders until the first Pharoh of Egypt unified the tribes under his rule. The family has always been our Abba Father’s “first responder” in society, as evidenced by His choice of Abram. “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice” (Gen. 18:19).
Notice “and justice;” that has never changed. Still, the Nahas Blue Faction government has significantly damaged ‘the family unit;’ we must restore our families to their necessary position in Social Liberty.
At Babel, our Abba Father created nations, took one for Himself, and placed a spirit, a bene Elohim (Sons of God), in charge of the other nations to make it more difficult for the Nahas. But the Nahas never stopped. Eventually, our Abba Father’s people said, “Give us a king,” which remained the world’s government model to the end of Scripture and beyond until 1787.
Our Abba Father ended the Nahas’ spirit-human kingship for His people in His 1776 Creation and created Eden 2.0 with Social and Religious Liberty and free will for all people. His government, as designed, is by His inviolate Laws of Nature that determine all outcomes, never human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots. All the Christian-nation monarchs fell after 1787, but none copied WTP’s DOI/COTUS. Our One Nation Under God, Eden 2.0, is our Abba Father’s unique 1776 Creation.
Too many pulpit leaders see political factions as Scripture’s “spirit-human kingship” and believe they are above them, ignoring our power to vote them all out. Progressivism is a spirit-human kingship thrust upon WTP by the Nahas.
Godly Civics
Years of sacrifice went into the formation of our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, and over a million souls sacrificed their lives to keep it. Our Abba Father is shedding tears right now, and we pulpit leaders have blood on our hands. Our Abba Father is a forgiving God, but embracing Godly Civics is essential.
Godly Civics is a study and mission exercise for everyone, not a pulpit exercise. The Body of Christ is the voter; “Go and make godly citizens.” Our ecclesiae appoint a trusted, informed mission leader, name the mission to avoid drawing fire on the ecclesiae, and spread the Godly Civics message throughout the ecclesia and beyond as the Holy Spirit leads. Godly Civics is a brand and a product that does all the work except distribution. We guarantee Godly Civics will bring more souls to Heaven.
Godly Civics is not an organization to join; it wants no members, donations, or email lists to hack because YOU do all the work spreading the message to as many WTP as possible. We present implementation strategies at the end, and the Liberty Pastor and Salt and Light movements have every other resource imaginable, from training to legal teams. The trail is blazed!
Godly Civics is the next generation of the Liberty Pastor’s work, adding a unifying message for all ecclesiae and the Body of Christ. Please note our ecclesiae are exempt from taxation because they are sovereign, not a 501c3 approval. No one has lost their exemption and never will unless we fail our mission. End that fear excuse right now!
Godly Civics enumerates our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation as designed. It overcomes what our Founding Fathers did not foresee: the Industrial Revolution, which changed the creation of wealth, making it harder to rule people, plus the Nahas’ work: the birth of Progressivism, Psychology (gaslighting), and the death of TRUTH in our Society.
Godly Civics is USA-Christianity’s last chance to glorify our Abba Father on Earth. Most pulpit leaders do not see our USA as our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, His new and last nation. The rest see it wrong because the Holy Spirit has not inspired our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation view until now. P45/47 is the first populist POTUS who openly looks to the hand of our Abba Father.
Godly Civics is a comprehensive three-leg strategy that redeems our One Nation Under God back to His 1776 Creation. Redeem means to buy or earn back something lost, not to swing back and forth between political factions. A Red Faction victory can never redeem our One Nation Under God.
The Body of Christ is the only group large enough and motivated enough to defeat the Nahas’ enemy. Remember, our Abba Father works through His people. WePEG1787 (seen below) gives superpowers to all WTP with the Body of Christ out front, demanding every candidate score WEPEG1787 to get our vote. That is our power and end-game for the 2026/2028 elections to ensure P48 is a ‘master’ of WePEG1787, the Laws of Nature, not a slave to a political faction.
Stop Glorifying Humans
P40 and P45/47 are exceptional presidents, but we herald both as great men, not the Principles they governed by, which they learned from experience. When they finish their term, the Nahas’ Blue Faction destroys them and undoes what they have accomplished.
That back and forth is not our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation. Our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation is a government driven by His inviolate Laws of Nature (governing Principles) and never human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots. Every year is supposed to be better than the previous, not a pickleball game for two teams playing for a trophy, and WTP are spectators and victims in the long run.
Godly Civics restores our One Nation Under God to our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation of government by His Laws of Nature and representatives who are stewards and seekers of His Laws that determine all outcomes, not slaves to a political faction.
Imagine a 249-year run of discovering the Laws of Nature that make everything work for the most WTP instead of forward and back, over and over. WTP must end that for posterity before the 2026 WePEG1787 election.