Political Factions Must Go
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Political Factions Must Go
The largest damage from political factions is their presence between WTP and our representatives. Elections became a choice of which faction, not who will advance Nature’s Laws for WTP. The very nature of Progressivism is unDOI and unCOTUS, and yet it was steroids for political factions.
It is time to see our Abba Father in our One Nation under God. Also, please understand that the key to Godly Civics is that our Abba Father’s messages are to empower believers. There is some duplication in this section as a standalone section.
Truth Four revealed what our Founding Fathers thought of political factions. They insert themselves between WTP and our representatives, destroy our right to consent, and serve their own self-interest of power and plunder. They are the Trojan Horses for all the world’s enemies in our USA. They must be removed from our government in November and return to our 1787 Creation: inviolate Principles such as Subsidy Produces More.
Because of election laws, WTP must use the Red Faction ballot slots with WePEG candidates, i.e., force the Red Faction candidates with Godly Civics power to score and post WePEG to get our votes. Imagine every Body of Christ member, along with non-believer friends in a district, sending WePEG to their candidates. It is up to WTP to send WePEG to our candidates; that is the only way it has power.
Honest Red Faction candidates should embrace WePEG, and the Freedom Caucus should love it. It is doubtful many Blue Faction candidates will reveal themselves in WePEG, they will go down fighting. But for those who can be saved, WePEG will do it and hold the pretenders accountable.
But nothing can stop WTP. The Body of Christ is too large to ignore, but we have never had a vehicle for critical mass unity until now: Godly Civics and WePEG. If ever there was a sign of divine intervention, WePEG could be it. Our Abba Father is used to being ignored, but ignoring Him for a political faction sounds like quite a risk. Please pray on that; Godly Civics does not speak for our Abba Father.
Also, Election Malfeasance is about to explode, and there is no escape. It may not be adjudicated in time for 2024, but it will happen, and political faction power must be removed from our government. Stopping Election Malfeasance will destroy the Blue Faction, but unless political factions are put on the scrap heap of history, they will be back.
WTP must empty our House of Representatives of Blue Faction representatives, or the next two years will be a disaster. Few people understand that 100% of the House is re-elected every two years, so WTP can empty it. The 2026 midterm should be a full WePEG election.
Our Abba Father knew political factions would destroy Liberty and Justice for All, and now they have; it is staring WTP in the eye, but their GL-PSYOP has fried too many brains. A return to our Abba Father’s founding without political faction power in our government is the only salvation for our One Nation Under God.
If the Blue Faction references trigger your political alarm, turn it off. You may not be where Godly Civics is in research and experience, but our Abba Father has no greater enemy. Nothing good comes after our USA falls to the enemy. Godly Civics with WePEG will show the way; we will regret closing our eyes. Godly Civics explains it all.
Our 1787 Creation did not include the division and depravity of political factions that make it difficult for most Pulpit Leaders to even consider entering the political theatre of war.
We cannot redeem our One Nation Under God with what destroyed it. Political factions were purposely omitted from our founding because our Founding Fathers knew they would become the Trojan Horse to our destruction, exactly as we see today. That is why Benjamin Franklin answered Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question: “A republic if you can keep it.” WTP are holding on by a thread, and the Body of Christ is the only group with the power to lead our USA back to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All
Political Factions
Our Founding Fathers hated political factions, what they called political parties. Although political factions were small in 1787, Federalist #10 still eviscerated them because their danger was known, and P1 called them “a frightful despotism.” Our Founding Fathers controlled the political factions because they were never going to hand over to them what thousands of patriot souls had just died for: our Liberty and Justice for All.
And yet, today, WTP have done just that: handed over to the political factions our Abba Father-given DOI’s ‘right to consent.” WTP must take our country back in November or lose it forever. Taking it back means driving political faction power out of our government and returning the search for Nature’s Laws.
Years of sacrifice went into the formation of our One Nation Under God, and over a million souls gave their lives to keep it. Today’s lack of respect for that sacrifice and what it was for is fatal and, quite frankly, disgusting. Our Abba Father is shedding tears right now, and we Pulpit Leaders have blood on our hands. Our Abba Father is a forgiving God, but change is mandatory. Put on the full armor and stand with Ephesians 6 today.
Political Factions are fatal to WTP because they insert themselves between WTP and our representatives, serve only their own self-interest, and destroy our DOI’s “right to consent,” our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”
Our COTUS defines that our representatives would be elected to MANAGE the affairs of government, not rule WTP. Whatever the problem, the answer is found in society based on research and experience with invention and ‘what works.’ That is Nature’s Law and what ‘conservativism’ means: what is proven to work for most people from experience and research, never ideology.
Every representative in the Blue Faction must be voted out of office in November because its Progressivism platform is unCOTUS, anti-social and Religious Liberty, and anti-Christianity. Instead of government by ‘God says,’ which all Pulpit Leaders know is unCOTUS, today our One Nation Under God is ruled by “Karl Marx says,” without a single example of success anywhere in our society or world. Why?
Because everything about it violates our Abba Father’s Nature’s Laws, as one would expect. WTP listen to a non-debate in ignorance and wonder where our USA went. Our Godly Civics is the only strategy to redeem it from the Nahas’ political factions.
Political Platforms
Platforms only work for the Leftist enemy GL-PSYOP. Their platform is “freedom from fear through government as our god and parent.” Every section starts with “We will protect you from . . .” What WTP need is protection from the Leftist Enemy. It must be put on the scrap heap of history.
The Red Faction platform is actually quite good. But have you ever heard a single candidate refer to it? Not a single one. The Red Faction does not protect its brand; anyone can carry its flag, resulting in the RINOs ruining everything. Why? Red Faction power, nothing else.
WTP must force every Red and Blue Faction candidate to score and post WePEG. Then, the Body of Christ and lovers of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All vote for candidates with high WePEG scores. Blue Faction candidates die on the vine with low WePEG scores, exposed for what they are: the enemy of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All.
No amount of advertising, lies, and propaganda can overcome a low WePEG score, and no amount of advertising is needed with a high WePEG score and a resume. Every race, except the Executives and Senators, becomes a local race. The Red Faction is not our savior. It is, at best, the Washington Generals of politics (5 wins, 17,000+ loses). WePEG is our only savior (we say that because it is our Abba Father’s creation as WTP discover it).
Godly Civics coined Liberty-Civics to unite all WTP in the GenPop, believer and non-believer, to defeat political factions with WePEG, doing our civics job to save our One Nation Under God. In addition to the power and plunder, the fruit of today’s politics is destroying our families, the fabric of our society, and our Religious Liberty.
All denominations can agree on that attack on our Abba Father. And the Body of Christ must defeat it. Political factions never solve our problems because that makes political factions vestigial. Please pray on that.
We must restore our One Nation Under God to our founding of governing principles, WePEG, and remove political factions between WTP and our representatives. To do that, we must understand the force and magnitude of the enemy against WTP.
We, the Pulpit Leaders and the Body, are the only group with the power to overcome the enemy’s GL-PSYOP. We mentioned Subsidies above. Subsidizing problems is stupid, irresponsible, and extremely damaging to our USA. Therefore, the Leftist Enemy presents itself as ‘righteous,’ trying to do good. That is their GL-PSYOP, and we see it everywhere. It is not just lies; it is psychological manipulation.
When it fails, they say they didn’t spend enough and if we disagree, WTP are labeled bad and racist because we know better based on proven Principles. The Leftist Enemy calls the Body of Christ racist when they say racism is systemic in our One Nation Under God. Not one ecclesia has stood and defended the Body of Christ against that charge.
Pray that being called racist is not a ‘Mark of the Beast’ because we have failed. The Red Faction hides because Nature’s Laws also put them out of business.
The ‘Equity’ GL PSYOP
Equity must be highlighted as the epitome of Leftist Enemy malfeasance in today’s government. Our USA was created with two major, by today’s standards, “equity flaws:” slavery and women’s suffrage. Both were the ‘way of the world’ for thousands of years; they were not USA inventions, and WTP solved both, but the Leftist Enemy keeps bringing back GL-PSYOP versions that have just the opposite result.
Political factions almost destroyed our One Nation Under God in 1861. And WTP are in a worse war of political factions today. The 19th Amendment in 1920 gave women the right to vote and the fruit of the 1960s rebellions was the Civil Rights Acts that ended discrimination against skin color and gender. Our One Nation Under God was on the verge of ending racism with the election of P44.
Instead, P44 brought racism back from the edge of extinction. That will go down in real history as one of the saddest moments of our USA’s existence because, without that political weapon, the Blue Faction has no more purpose to exist.
In 1861, the Blue Faction was the slavery faction; today, they must create a hologram of racism to save their imaginary victims while they still are the actual racists in their actions. But the only field left to play on is the ‘outcome field,’ demanding ‘equity’ in life’s outcomes.
Merriam-Webster: “Equity is justice according to Natural Law or right, specifically, freedom from bias or favoritism.” The root is the Latin word “aequus,” meaning “even,” “fair,” or “equal.”
“Equal in the eyes of the law” is a declaration of equity in applying the law. Slanting the starting line on an oval running track is equity that corrects the oval track’s structural unfairness of having shorter inside lanes.
When the lowest common denominator is the only way to achieve equity, our government must never use equity. That is Nature’s Law. Our Abba Father made every human unique. If He wanted equity in people, He would have created it. Animals do not even have total equity. Instead, He created free will and every one different with different skills and starting conditions.
Equity in Life’s outcomes is impossible to achieve, yet that is the GL-PSYOP mantra of the Leftist Enemy – they can make everyone’s outcome equally high if WTP vote for them. And when it never does, their intentions are righteous, and they promise to figure it out, unlike “those mean Red Faction people who want to keep us down.”
While WTP bow down to that GL-PSYOP, the Leftist Enemy plunders the treasury in the process. WePEG ends the GL-PSYOP. The Red Faction’s inability to make its case on inviolate Principles proves that its goal is only to be the Blue Faction ‘light’ because it also wants power over the treasury. Our Abba Father knows that and created the solution with government by Principles without political factions.
That leaves WTP to stand up and say, enough. We will elect representatives who look for real solutions to problems, estimate their costs, and keep looking until the solution is found before the budget is created. It is their job to find the solution, not throw money with some coming back to them.
To turn our USA (and the world) around, the Body must do three things: share Godly Civics/Liberty-Civics and WePEG with everyone we can every way we can, become an army of election watchers, and not a single vote goes to a Blue faction candidate, not one.
They are the work of the Leftist enemy. Even if they manufacture 20 million votes from illegals and the 40 million leftist voters with nowhere to go, WTP wins 100 million to 60 million, and our Abba Father will shine in the public square.
Godly Civics must start to address the abortion issue here because the Leftist Enemy’s abortion GL-PSYOP is all the Leftist Enemy has to run on in November. Like most societal issues today, the abortion issue exists because of political factions, one in particular.
The Leftist Enemy has a strong argument for women, and if it is not countered strongly, it is going to be trouble. Only WePEG can solve it. It goes without saying that murdering what our Abba Father “knitted in the womb” (NIV) is unacceptable for believers. There is no wiggle room on that, but the Leftist Enemy’s PSYOP of ‘Women’s Heath’ or ‘Right to Choose’ is an insult to most people’s intelligence.
WePEG eviscerates both of those GL-PSYOP tropes. It is impossible to settle the abortion issue in the political theatre of war because the debate is like ‘apples vs. fireplace irons;’ it makes no sense and is impossible to debate. WePEG creates a new theatre and the opportunity to get control of the issue of abortion issue with the Truth and the united Body of Christ.
There are no circumstances on this planet where a fetus is not a separate life created inside the mother until ready for birth. Its DNA is unique in the world; it is its own being, end of story. The Blue Faction must deflect self-evident truth; it knows a fetus is a Life. So, they invent ‘women’s healthcare’ to deflect.
Let’s also look at women’s health. All health care starts with prevention, except abortion. The first rule in medicine is “do no harm.” The issue is not women’s health care; a Life is being taken. The issue is how the fetus got there: inserting a man’s sperm into the birth canal- full stop.
Godly Civics did a study and discovered that 100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by a man shooting sperm into a woman’s birth canal. The debate must be redirected to shooting or not shooting sperm, not what to do after it is too late. Political factions will never seek a solution to the problem; the Body must do it.
Sperm control will save more lives than gun control. The reality is that men could end unwanted pregnancies overnight by taxing them $20,000 for every unwanted pregnancy. Our point is there are numerous solutions to avoid the taking of innocent lives. And one political faction refuses to seek solutions to anything, mostly because they are the cause of the problem.
Our point is that political factions have zero interest in the value of Life, which Is the heart of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All. If innocent Life has no value, all lives have no value, God or no God.
Every WePEG candidate can state a position like this (still a work in progress):
“In 2023, there were 1,026,690 abortions, more than before Roe was overturned. What was the cost to our society? Our economy of 330 million people was destroyed, our society was destroyed, our world peace was destroyed, our Liberty was destroyed, and our future was destroyed. That cost is not too high; it is fatal to everyone!
Unwanted pregnancy is 100% avoidable with sperm control. About 43,000 people were killed in gun violence, 4% of abortion deaths. Sperm control will save orders of magnitude more lives than gun control (about 25 times more).
WTP have no choice but to right the ship of state to Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All and find solutions to unwanted pregnancy. Then and only then can a rational decision be made for the need for abortion laws. The Leftist Enemy’s GL-PSYOP must be destroyed before any final solution can be decided.
WePEG wins this fight with Body of Christ unity. Please pray on that. All that is left for the Leftist enemy to win is Election Malfeasance.