
It is time believers stop telling our Abba Father how big our problems are and start telling our problems how big our Abba Father is.

(Joseph Simmons quote).

Table of Contents

Let Us Pray

Our Abba Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. You have given us your shining city on the hill, our USA, One Nation Under God, to freely worship, glorify, and be your beacon and refuge for your world. Like all who came before, we have squandered it and let our light go very dim.

But you are the patient Abba Father, quick to forgive, and we come to you now, asking for the strength and wisdom to rebuke the enemy, resist our time’s “mark of the beast,” and glorify you in all that we do, including electing the people who represent us in your 1787 Creation. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

The Godly Civics Book Series

The Godly Civics and Liberty Civics websites are a “reading and learning” exercise. An easy chair and a favorite beverage work best. The text from both is available in paperback and Kindle eBook from Amazon plus downloads of an MS Word file and or PDF to print and/or share for free. They are also free on Kindle Unlimited.

Godly Civics

Our USA seen through our Abba Father’s Eyes for believers

Amazon Kindle eBook and paperback (Click)


Entire Site Text

Elevator Pitch

Liberty Civics

Our USA seen through our Founders eyes for everyone

Amazon Kindle eBook and paperback (Click)

Boosting Our Faith

Earth-Life Bias (ELB) is the number one weakness of Christianity. We coined the phrase to describe how the norm is living in this limited earth life instead of our citizenship in Heaven, being members of the Family of God, and doing our job in the Family business.

The Spirit Kingdom of God is our escape from ELB by seeing the role the devil plays in politics as part of his war against Jesus promulgated on earth through nations and people. We cannot embrace our spirit God and Father, our spirit Savior, our spirit Spirit, our spirit enemy, and not embrace the spirit world.


Godly Civics uses code to slow the cancel culture online: WTP = “we the people,” think the words so the verbs fit, faction = what our Founding Fathers called political parties, GL = gaslighting, PSYOP = deceitful psychological operation, WMD = weapon of mass destruction. DOI = Declaration of Independence, COTUS = WTP’s Constitution, 1A, 2A, 3A etc. = COTUS Amendments

P# = a POTUS (president), SCOTUS = Supreme Court, Abba Father = God (Rom. 8:15), Nahas = the devil, ecclesia = Scripture Greek word translated ‘church’ but means community, ecclesiae = churches, pulpit leader = the head of any ecclesia – pastor, priest, reverend, bishop, father, minister padre, etc., believers = Christians.

Our Abba Father's Call to Arms

Godly Civics is neither complicated nor a soundbite, but it is profound. We must redeem our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, which the Nahas (devil) has destroyed, and get all we can into Heaven for as long as possible, prayerfully to the end.

That is our calling, and no denomination, pulpit leader, or member of the Body of Christ is exempt from the new glorification mission: “Go and make godly citizens!”

P45/47’s populist, God-centered movement sets the stage and opens all the doors; our job as pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ is to redeem what our Abba Father delivered for posterity and was destroyed: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

The Elevator Pitch for Godly Civics

Godly Civics is a Holy Spirit-driven strategy to glorify our Abba Father in our civics; we do not pretend to speak for Him. Godly Civics is a North Star that guides us to the redemption of our USA. Your intake of Godly Civics is between you and the Holy Spirit; all worship center doctrine DNA remains intact.

Godly Civics’ foundation for the entire Body of Christ is “Whatever you do, do all in glory to God.” Fight at the ballot box with the same fervor as the Black Robe Regiment, who gave their lives to Liberty in 1776.

Unity in Christ

Jesus will return before Christians unite in worship. If our hundreds of denominations cannot even unite with our Abba Father, how can we ever unite in Godly Civics? The answer is simple. Every worship center has two things in common: the need for Religious Liberty and the Yahweh-Nissi name of God (or Jehovah-Nissi) – the Lord is my banner!

It only appears once, perhaps for today’s world, in Scripture when Israel defeated the Amalekites. “Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” (Ex 17:15-16). Think of political factions as Amelek, and the Lord is Our Banner! Yahweh-Nissi!

The Status Quo

Too many of us pulpit leaders avoid politics in our worship centers, and the reason is a general feeling that we have a greater calling: “Go and make disciples.” We are agnostic to our government overall. Politics is ungodly and divisive; tax exemptions might be at risk (not true); we just avoid it all.

From a biblical view, when Scripture ended, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” was the norm, and Christians and Jews hid from “Caesar.” Too many still hide today because politics is so ungodly. That is the historical and biblical friction between our worship centers and government. But what if we look at our One Nation Under God through His eyes, not a biblical worldview as just another nation?

Our USA Through God’s Eyes

When the Mayflower, God’s new Arc, and the Pilgrim remnant left the European church-state system for virgin land to invent a new type of government that His people own, it left “Caesar” behind. There is no “Caesar” in our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation! He ended the 1 Samuel spirit-human kingship model (Deut.32:8-9) and set a new paradigm that resembles Eden. “All good things come from God.”

God created Liberty and free will in Eden as the sovereign state of mankind. He said, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” To be “fruitful and subdue the earth,” Adam and Eve needed to discover the Laws of Nature. But they never got that far.

The Devil’s War Against Jesus

Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath.” If we do not see our Abba Father’s hand in His 1787 Creation, we also do not see the devil’s war against Jesus promulgated through nations and people on earth. That is one point where we pulpit leaders have missed the mark.

If we do not see our war with the devil, we do not see our Abba Father’s command to all believers, “stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6 is about our fight, not just the armor. Isn’t it part of our job to see the devil’s servant behind the Blue Faction? What we do about it is our conundrum.

God’s 1776 Creation

God’s new government was His Laws of Nature In our Declaration of Independence (DOI), not humans. That is the Establishment Clause in our COTUS: never allow human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots in authority to destroy “we the people’s” DOI “right to consent” to our government. “We the people” own it; that is what a “republican” government in our COTUS means.

Like in Eden, God’s laws and principles still hold our universe together and determine all outcomes. If a plane loses propulsion, it falls to the ground every time. No one questions physics, gravity, molecular attraction, etc. Economic and Social Laws of Nature are more difficult because humans affect them, but we must seek them for the best outcomes.

 In His 1776 Creation, like in Eden, our Abba Father is the Free Exercise Clause in our hearts. Our representatives and “we the people” are to seek and unpack the Laws of Nature to produce the most extraordinary outcomes and freely image our Abba Father to get all we can into Heaven.

That is our motivation; ballots are how we choose our representative ‘subduers of the earth.’ Our worship centers must teach His 1776 Creation, “Go and make godly citizens,” to choose representatives who seek His Laws of Nature. That is a mission exercise, not a pulpit exercise. Godly Civics teaches it all.

Political Factions

There is zero place in the Laws of Nature for political factions seeking power and their self-interests to rule and plunder “we the people.” Our Abba Father hated political factions, Federalist 10 eviscerated them, and P1 called them a “frightful despotism” in his farewell address. What more is there to know? Our Founding Fathers knew what we see today would happen if political factions were allowed to destroy “we the people’s” DOI right to consent to our government. If we have not learned anything from Israel, do not ask God for another ‘political faction king.’

We must return to our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation, a complete life system for all that glorifies our Abba Father, and our worship centers should be proud to make godly citizens and get all we can into Heaven.

WePEG1787 is the stone we sling to end our ‘Goliath government.’ P45/47 is a populist who commandeered the Red Faction ballot slots, and we have four years to replace him and fill Congress with ‘Masters’ of the Laws of Nature, not political faction slaves. Political factions will become vestigial if our governments use the “Scientific Method” to research solutions.

For example, in the COVID epidemic, the NIAID Director not only chose drugs that gave him government power and lined his pocket, but he silenced expertise in the public square, a gross violation of the Scientific Method. Our WePEG1787 brings an end to that depravity.

WePEG1787 requires every candidate, especially new ones, to describe in detail, with their 0 to 10 scores in agreement to disagreement, how they will govern with the Laws of Nature and Principles that eliminate big money, political faction self-interest, and the politics of personal destruction from our elections. We will only vote for those who embrace our DOI/COTUS, WePEG1787, and their district.

The Body of Christ must demand that all our candidates post their WePEG1787 scores to get our votes. The Laws of Nature work for everyone because they are provable science, God or no God.

Godly Civics is that simple, but it will take four years to finish with goals at one, two, and four years. The Body of Christ is the only group large enough to have the motivation to accomplish it. Please take the time to start our Godly Civics journey in glory to our Abba Father. Also, Liberty Civics is our school that teaches about the founding of our USA, as seen through scholarly eyes. All three website links are below.


Mission Statement

Godly Civics’ mission is Holy Spirit-inspired to end our pulpit leaders’ abhorrence of government by the Nahas’ political factions (Caesar) and glorify our Abba Father with His 1776 Creation. That is the only viable strategy to redeem the Blue States and take WTP’s One Nation Under God to the end-time to get all the souls we can into Heaven. The Body of Christ is the only group large enough to redeem our USA to our Abba Father’s design of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All.

Godly Civics reveals our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation to defeat the Nahas’ political faction GL-PSYOP lies. To unify the Body and exercise power at the ballot box, believers must demand that every candidate from POTUS to down-ballot dog catcher score 0-10 on the WePEG1787We the People’s Principles of Effective Governing document. That is WTP’s WMD for victory in glory to our Abba Father.

WTP's Secret Sauce

WePEG1787 is the stone we sling to end our Goliath government. The scores will reveal everything WTP need to know to choose our representatives for Life, Social Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for All and in glory to our Abba Father for believers.

WePEG 1787 allows every candidate, especially new ones, to describe in detail how they will govern with the Laws of Nature and Principles that eliminate big money, political faction self-interest, and the politics of personal destruction from our elections. WTP will elect our legislators loyal only to our DOI, COTUS, WePEG1787, and district.

Our Burning Question

Our burning question is, “What if there is no consensus end-time prophecy in Scripture for our One Nation Under God because it might cease to exist by then?”

That question demands our immediate attention, both pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ. The future of our faith and civics hangs in the balance, and it’s up to us, pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ, to frame it. It all starts with seeing our Abba Father’s 1776 Creation through His eyes.

The final outcome is uncertain but depends on our actions in Godly Civics. No one knows when Jesus is returning, but we do know the ultimate trigger: the enemy has so destroyed Religious Liberty that believers must choose between our Abba Father or the Nahas’ world government, the “mark of the beast” (Rev. 13:17) with nowhere to hide.

That is not a fate we pulpit leaders can accept today. We must act now to prevent such a dire future. As pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ, our mission is clear: we must do everything possible to safeguard Religious Liberty, which can only exist inside Social Liberty. That is our calling, and Godly Civics is the unifying strategy that can guide us, regardless of denomination.

The longer our USA exists, the more souls we get into Heaven; Godly Civics is not just about saving a nation. Our Abba Father created our One Nation Under God to be His shining city on the hill, the beacon and refuge to the dying world, for Social and Religious Liberty. Religious Liberty cannot stand alone in our castle with a moat; that duality is where we pulpit leaders have missed the mark.

Our Godly Civics is a comprehensive strategy that all pulpit leaders and the Body of Christ should embrace because it will catapult our Faith to a new level in glory to our Abba Father.

Gaslighting (GL)

We must understand Gaslighting, the Nahas’ WMD. Most people see gaslighting as a “cool kid” metaphor for lying, but that hides its extremely sinister meaning as the Nahas’ WMD against WTP. Gaslighting is:

“The psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator” (Miriam Webster).

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