Through God’s Eyes

Table of Contents

One Nation Under God Through His Eyes

Our Foundation for ‘Godly Civics’

Why Our Abba Father Made Us

This message is the most important in Godly Civics and also the simplest. Few believers ever ask why our Abba Father made us; the creation story in Genesis gives no reason. And yet, it seems like it should be the most important question about our relationship with our Abba Father.

Without knowing the why, how do believers know our purpose on earth? Are we only here to cull the herd?

When our Life is only about sin, belief, commandments, and promises, believers cannot experience the full peace and joy our Abba Father created for us. “Doing” for him must be a fruit of believing.

The answer to why our Abba Father made us is found in two verses. If they were the only two verses believers ever knew after redemption, we would live a blessed life. Isaiah 43:7,

Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”

Paul confirms Isaiah in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Our Abba Father created believers to glorify him, full stop! Please pray on that.

Neither verse includes, “except in our civics.” With Godly Civics, there is no longer any excuse to mark ballots that do not glorify our Abba Father. A tiny mark with huge consequences.

For 100 more verses that highlight “doing unto the Lord,” click here.

Godly Civics leaves it to the reader to soul search voting for Blue Faction issues and candidates that empower the Nahas, destroy believers’ lives, and are destroying our “One Nation Under God.”

Godly Civics does not condemn; it is your call with your relationship with our Abba Father. Please pray on that.

Godly Civics

Our Godly Civics unleashes the power of our Abba Father for all Pulpit Leaders and the Body of Christ to glorify Him and restore our One Nation Under God to our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation.

We asked the question, “What if there is no clear end-time prophecy for our One Nation Under God because it might not still exist?

One Nation Under God is our Abba Father’s army expected to stand or fall. Ephesians 6:10-13 is our marching order; it cannot be made more clear,

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Nahas’ schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation was designed to survive until Judgement Day. No Pulpit Leader will escape judgment, letting our enemy destroy One Nation Under God.

It is the only nation where the ‘Mark of the Beast’ matters because it is the only nation where the Nahas and our Abba Father are both protected speech. Our Godly Civics is a clarion call.

Like the world, our One Nation Under God was brought to life with words.

We hold these truths to be self-evident. . .”

What truths? “Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Life and Liberty are obvious, but the ‘pursuit of happiness’ is glanced over and yet is critical to the first two.

It means happiness is ours alone to create, not something our government can ever provide. As believers, we pursue peace and joy in the Kingdom of God within a nation that is designed to protect our rights, including the right to worship.

But only if we elect representatives that will protect our rights. We hold our own fate in our hands with whom we choose to represent us.

The Spirit World and Evil

The world became so evil that our Abba Father destroyed it in great sadness. The “bene-Elohim” (Sons of God) spirit beings, likely influenced by the Nahas, played a major role in the evil.

We say ‘likely’ because the bene-Elohim are still debated. Either way, the spirit-being world is deeply involved with the earth’s history and should not be ignored.

Our Abba Father regrouped with one righteous family: Noah’s. But Noah’s sons assumed the role of world leader and built the Tower of Babel, which triggered our Abba Father to step in again.

After the Tower of Babel visit, our Abba Father created nations with unique languages, putting a bene-Elohim in charge of each nation except Israel, which He kept for Himself.

The world was divided into ‘with God’ and ‘without God,’ and He started teaching Israel about Himself. Everyone else was left to the whims of their assigned bene-Elohim and the Nahas.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9 NKJV makes a profound statement about the Tower of Babel event that believers should know, “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene-Elohim). But the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted heritage.

The spirit world of our Abba Father, his spirit beings, and the Nahas’ spirit army are an integral part of human life. Daniel 10 illuminates the relationships with the spirit world, kings, and nations. Daniel’s Prophecies bring how the spirit world works to light; it is not just Apologia.

Many Pulpit Leaders are hesitant to openly embrace the spirit world in our daily lives, even though it is the force behind Progressivism’s depravity. We cannot have a spirit God and Father, a spirit Savior, a spirit Uncle, and a spirit enemy and not embrace the spirit world.

When the spirit world is ignored, there is nothing else to blame except our fellow citizens. In the Upper Room, Jesus condemned the Nahas, not Peter, “Get behind me satana” (Mat.16:23). Fighting with each other is the Nahas’ work to weaken WTP.

Fighting the Nahas in unity is our Abba Father’s plan.

Glorify Our Abba Father

Godly Civics’ strategy is glorifying our Abba Father in everything we do. That is why He made us.

Let’s look at Revelation 1:3, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

We do not proclaim any great insight into the end-time; our point is that Revelation reveals ways to glorify our Abba Father today and receive blessings as John did, regardless of when Jesus returns. But “the time is near” must at least mean doing all we can today to keep Religious Liberty alive.

Apostle John wrote to seven churches, six of which had failed Pulpit Leaders. Let’s look at two ecclesiae John writes about. The Loveless Ecclesia: “. . . I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Their pagan acts outside their ecclesia are very similar to the dual lives of today: ecclesia life and secular life in politics. Please glorify our Abba Father in Godly Civics.

The Lukewarm Ecclesia: “Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

Ignoring our Abba Father’s role in His 1787 Creation seems similar to the Laodiceans. They had the worst outcome of all. Please pray on that; it is your call.

In Jesus’ time, believers had to hide from the Nahas’ Roman Empire or be killed. Christians were not seeking to rule the world; receiving Jesus was a choice, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17).

The Roman Empire was then changed to the Holy Roman Empire, which used Christianity to unite and then ruled large with “God says” until the Protestant Reformation.

The Holy Roman Empire is why our Bill of Rights starts with the Establishment Clause, the very first entry. In 1787, our Abba Father gave us a nation with Him in our hearts and His inviolate Principles of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All for WTP’s government.

 The Nahas is now emboldened and on the move, smelling victory like so many times before, starting with recruiting Son One to kill Son 2, “Do not be as Cain who was of the wicked one” (1 John 3:12).

Today is our time to save One Nation Under God. We Pulpit Leaders and Body of Christ in Godly Civics/Liberty-Civics and WePEG are the only answer.

Our Abba Father’s Wisdom

Social Liberty is for all citizens, like the sun and the rain. Our Founding Fathers knew the Holy Bible was both God’s Word and His wisdom for all. Moses’ image, the father of law, is on the wall of WTP’s SCOTUS.

Humans cannot be trusted inside WTP’s government with the words “God says.” That is the First Amendment and is supreme. His Holy Bible wisdom is also supreme and for everyone. That is what our Founding Fathers meant by Nature’s Laws in our DOI, also called Principles.

Principles are Laws of Nature for everyone that never fail. They can’t fail; our Abba Father created them. As believers, we can embrace that.

But that is not helpful in secular society. Apostle Thomas said even to Jesus, “Show me,” and that is WTP’s problem; we have lost “show me” to political faction secrecy and GL-PSYOP messaging.

Liberty is not an ideology; it is provable that a Liberty Society thrives greater than any other governing structure; our USA became the greatest nation on earth. It must be in Liberty; it is the Law.

The entire point of our founding is that our representatives were meant to search for what works for the most in society based on results and outcomes. That is why the Red Faction cannot save us; they do nothing for WTP’s Liberty.

They can’t because they serve their own self-interest of power, the opposite of Liberty.

Our COTUS was our founder’s attempt at Nature’s Laws. WePEG is designed to reveal that wisdom on a much broader scale and is a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), even in its beginning stage.

All WTP need to do is embrace it because WTP own our government.

Let’s look at a couple of wisdom examples. God says (actually commands), “Thou shall not murder.” No matter what, that is a good idea for society, i.e., wisdom for everyone.

So, our representatives passed a law that says, “It is unlawful to take another person’s life with Malice.” That is CA Penal Code 187. That is an example of our Abba father’s wisdom converted to Law.

God also says (commands), “Honor your father and mother.” That is too personal for a law, yet our Leftist Enemy government passes laws every day that dishonor fathers and mothers and destroy the family unit.

That is especially heinous and 100% for the benefit of a political faction to destroy WTP’s Liberty, our Abba Father’s creation.

The only solution is to replace those representatives with ones who know that the family is the bedrock of society, God or no god, score 10s on WePEG to show it, and return our government to Principles, not political factions. Just do it!

Our Abba Father described Nature’s Laws in our DOI and presented them for WTP to discover His irrefutable wisdom for all. Our Abba Father’s provable wisdom, WePEG, is our WMD, not “God says.”

Every so-called ‘social issue’ can be won with proven wisdom arguments where “God says” has failed. “God says” must be converted to His wisdom for everyone in Godly Civics, not condemnation.

Preaching sin and damnation to our government has done a great deal of harm. Revealing what works is revealing our Abba Father’s creation for everyone.

Some will make it into our laws and DOI/COTUS, and many will be in our hearts, still provable by observation and study, never ideology, whim, or desire.

Liberty With Free Will is the Sovereign Human Condition

Liberty with free will is our Abba Father’s sovereign state for humans. Adam and Eve were created in Liberty with free will and charged with populating and subduing the world’s nature. Our Abba Father with his families in Liberty and free will, has been His master plan from the beginning. Our One Nation Under God is His final nation.

The Nahas immediately threw down against our Abba Father and Adam and Eve. The Nahas’ battle to the death to rule the world’s humans started with his attack on the first two.

The Nahas did it with lies distorting our Abba Father’s command. Then the Nahas coerced Cain to kill Abel (1 John 3:12) for the Nahas’ victory, ending the bloodline to the future Seed that was to crush the Nahas’ head. Or so he thought until Seth appeared.

The war between the Nahas and Jesus is promulgated through people and nations on earth, is always in the background of our lives, and only gets worse over time.

The Nahas’ primary weapon is lying to humans, and leading humans to do his work is the norm. Progressivism, communism with lipstick, is the perfect example of the Nahas’ work today, and political factions are the Nahas’ army in the Nahas’ theatre of war.

After Eden, humans are born on the way to hell; it is not a neutral start that could go either way. If no action is taken, hell is the outcome.

Choosing our Abba Father requires work and action to worship and glorify Him. Jesus was born into the Roman Empire, and his people were persecuted and killed for over 300 years.

A free ride in Liberty was never promised until the new world came. We have always had work to do in our Abba Father’s Family Business.

The Family as Government

Our Abba Father started His next ‘Select Family’ with Abram. Why? Because “he would teach his children the “ways of the LORD.”’ Genesis 17:4, “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations.” Families are sovereign in Liberty, and the “way of the LORD” includes Liberty for His people. But eventually, Israel wanted a king, the first human to stand between our Abba Father and His families.

Kings and governments are the vessels for the Nahas to rule humans, and our Abba Father used them like pinball machine paddles to direct His people. Daniel 7:25-26 is clear, “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people . . . The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time . . .  “‘But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever.”

We omitted the “time, times, and a half-time” phrase because “the when” is not our point; our point is to illustrate the interaction between the Nahas’ army and governments against our Abba Father’s people, which is a continuum from the creation to the end.

From The Roman Empire to One Nation Under God

The Roman Empire became so large that Christianity became the only glue holding it together. Recorded history tells us that Constantine’s motivation was to use the church as a unifying force. He left the Roman ‘sun god’ on the coins, so his heart may not have been too sincere.

Up to that point, the church’s persecution was intense, especially before Constantine. The Edict of Thessalonica, dated 380 AD, made Christianity the official religion of the Empire.

On May 7th, 538 AD, the 3rd Synod of Orleans established the universal church-state law as the official law of the Holy Roman Empire, not just the religion, inflicting “the will of Heaven” by the church-state system, i.e., human government by their version of  “God says,” and our Founding Fathers said never again.

The Holy Roman Empire’s Nahas-led history was an integral part of the Establishment Clause in our First Amendment.

WTP must never be governed by the words “God says.” Regardless of when Daniel 7:25-26 happened, it is still the Nahas’ blueprint.

The Protestant Reformation (16th Century) had an enormous impact on the world. It finished the decay of the Holy Roman Empire with the 30 Years’ War (1618–48), which killed 4-8 million people. The war was for all denominations, not just one.

Religious Liberty is our unifying mission. The Protestant ecclesiae are the Liberty Wing of Christianity, but every ecclesia needs Religious Liberty to thrive.

In 1620, God seemed to have had enough of the Old World. He put 37 rebels against the European Church-State System on a new Arc, the Mayflower, along with 14 non-believers with the necessary skills to survive and start a new type of nation on virgin land, finally launched in his 1787 Creation: Liberty from any ruling class.

The Pilgrims leased land from the Virginia Colony before leaving, a British Colony with the Church of England. Had they made it to that land, they would have been immediately subject to the British, and they may never have become our One Nation Under God. Was that ‘divine intervention’ or the worst ship captain ever? (All good things come from God!)

The ‘Mayflower Compact’ was the first government designed from scratch by the people with Liberty and Justice for All. It was a ‘collective (unified group) constitutional (Mayflower Compact) democracy,’ and the people starved. Then, private property was created, giving people ownership, which changed the colony to a republic, and the people thrived with abundance.

Release people in Liberty, get the government out of the way, and EVERYONE thrives. That is the greatest lesson to be learned from the Pilgrims, full stop. Eleven more Liberty colonies were formed afterward.

In 1775, the colonies had had enough British interference in their Liberty and Justice for All, and, as Protestants do, they rebelled and drove the British home. The British actually called it “the Protestant Revolution.”

A bunch of misfits defeated the British Empire. Again, was it luck or divine intervention?

Pulpit Leaders, the Body of Christ, and non-believers all fought side by side in 1776, sacrificing their blood for Liberty. The Black Robe (preacher robe) Regiment became famous.

Like our redemption, Liberty is paid for with blood and must be desired at all costs. That is the cost and value of Liberty.

Our Godly Civics exists to teach and energize our Pulpit Leaders and the Body of Christ so that we can glorify our Abba Father at the ballot box.

Our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation

Our Founding Fathers justified their rebellion in the eyes of God (our DOI), they did not just rebel like an angry mob. An enormous amount of research went into their demand for Liberty.

They also knew that Liberty was created for everyone, like the sun and the rain, not just for the Body of Christ. That is the only way to bring non-believers to our Abba Father. Our Godly Civics is centered on the ‘One Nation’ unity.

Our DOI defines and holds our Liberty in the eyes of our Creator. Our DOI defines a nation owned by WTP and to be governed by our Abba Father’s inviolate Nature’s Laws (Principles), never political factions, human whims or ideas, ideology, or despotism. And never ever to buy votes for office.

Our COTUS is our founding Fathers’ first attempt at a set of Nature’s Law Principles. It defines a republic, Nature’s Law of Government, meaning WTP own our government and private property. Our COTUS not only defines a republic, but it demands the federal government guarantee it to the states.

Religious Liberty, the ultimate of choices, can only exist inside Social Liberty; it cannot stand alone, and therefore, our government is required to protect our Social Liberty.

Too many pulpit leaders have missed the duality of Social and Religious Liberty. Our representatives must be committed to Religious Liberty inside our Social Liberty to get a believers’ vote.

Religious Liberty is the unifying responsibility of Pulpit Leaders and the Body of Christ. Thirteen colonies could not agree on our Abba Father; there is no way hundreds of denominations and thousands of non-denominations today can preach in public to get our USA into Heaven. This actually has the opposite effect; half our USA or more is turned away.

Religion was the only major ideology in 1787, or our Founding Fathers would have said ‘ideology’ in the Establishment Clause. Progressivism is an ideology that is free to speak all it wants, but it is unCOTUS as a form of government because its very foundation is government as our god, which provides and decides everything for our own good because its rulers know better. This is all a ruse to gain the power needed to destroy our Liberty and rule WTP.

COTUS Section 8 enumerates the only duties for which our federal legislature passes laws, and a set of specific functions are listed. Where Congress lost its way is the clause “and provide for . . .  the general Welfare of the United States.”

The difference between “general” and “enumerated” is crystal clear.

Anything that needs to be enumerated cannot be general. A single currency is a general welfare, its mere existence is all that is needed. Yet, our federal government has become a runaway train of ‘general welfare programs’ that violate WTP’s COTUS.

How? We Pulpit Leaders and the Body of Christ lost our way in elections and did not protect Social Liberty from our federal government.

The Affordable Care Act is unCOTUS because it enumerates a program at the federal level. Like the IRS, it needs an amendment, but the ‘limited government ship’ sailed after the IRS amendment was ratified; no need to get amendments for everything that followed.

That was the birth of Progressivism in our USA, communism with lipstick, and the dream of our Nahas’ political factions. This is not complicated.

The Tenth Amendment was written to reinforce the federal government’s limits: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Our Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves.

Our Bill of Rights enumerated the right to “petition the government for grievances” and nothing else. The enemy’s destruction of One Nation Under God was promulgated by promising ‘happiness’ to voting blocs but never delivered; it is their continuous carrot for votes that it cannot deliver.

It is the Nahas’ ‘big lie.’ Today, the federal government controls our light bulbs, what we drive, and what our schools teach.

One last thought, Godly Civics has made money betting that God is mentioned in our COTUS when most say He is not. Notice our COTUS is signed, “In the year of our Lord.” Pay up.

Our Godly Civics Mission

Baal worship in Jeremiah shows us the way in Godly Civics. There is little difference between today’s enemy and Baal worship in the Old Testament. Jeremiah 7:8-10,

Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, ‘We are delivered!’—only to go on doing all these abominations?

Jeremiah said our needed Scripture words long before One Nation Under God and political factions existed. The connection between Baal worship and today’s enemy must be recognized because the same force is behind both.

If murdering and maiming children, destroying the definition of a woman, substituting government for parents, destroying private property, silencing our ecclesiae, plundering WTP’s treasure, and opening the gates to all the enemies of Liberty, Justice, and Prosperity for All is not enough, may heaven help you.

Let’s look at our job, both Pulpit Leaders and the Body of Christ: Jeremiah 19:3,

Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will bring such a catastrophe on this place, that whoever hears of it, his ears will tingle.”

V19:14-15, “Then Jeremiah came from Tophet, where the Lord had sent him to prophesy . . . and said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the doom that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks that they might not hear My words.’ ”

Our Abba Father will punish today’s Baal followers. That is not our assignment; we cannot influence the enemy’s spirit world. But we Pulpit Leaders and the Body have a solemn duty to teach our flocks that serving today’s Baal is fatal and Progressivism is today’s version. We must vote the Nahas’ servants out of our government.

This is our mission, Pulpit Leaders and Body of Christ: get 100 million believers across all denominations to stand up and restore our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation: limited government, no political faction power in our government, locally chosen representatives, and only Nature’s Laws as our governing Principles . . .

that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom . . .  and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Hopefully, the italicized words are familiar. (If not, look them up.)

Only our Godly Civics shows the way to believers, starting with the Christian Athlete Model. Preaching to the public about their sins cannot work because it does more harm than good, typically condemning half our population and condemning our One Nation Under God. Condemning people does not bring them closer.

Christian Athletes glorify our Abba Father in their play but play to win according to the rules of the game, not get the team to heaven.

That may happen, but the game strategy comes first when on the field of play. Second, we do not condemn our teammates; we encourage them to play hard.

Third, we invite them to our venue; we do not preach to the team as sinners in the locker room. Please pray on this.

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