Our Corner Stone

We pulpit leaders are facing a new paradigm we cannot ignore. Godly Civics is Holy Spirit-led: please pray for your guidance. Godly Civics does not pretend to speak for our Abba Father. Every pulpit leader and denomination can find a way forward with Godly Civics.

Godly Civics is a four-year plan and strategy with one-year, two-year, and four-year goals that “we the people” must complete before the 2028 election. Our result is the redemption of our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, all accomplished in glory to God.

No other strategy can redeem our One Nation Under God. The Body of Christ is the only group in our USA large enough and has the required motivation: getting all the souls we can into Heaven before the end, not just saving a nation.

When people see how all lives are improved, many will be more interested in where it comes from. That is the point of “being made in the image of God.”

We designed Godly Civics for believers to glorify our Abba Father in our civics; we do not speak for Him. Believers cannot ignore our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation with Religious Liberty nested inside Social Liberty and a government for all controlled by the Laws of Nature (governing Principles), not human whims, ideologies, political factions, or despots. The remainder of this site fleshes out our Biblical View of Our USA because the conventional Biblical Worldview does not tell the whole story nor solve the division of politics most pulpit leaders abhor.

There are two liberties: Social and Religious. Religious Liberty can only exist inside Social Liberty; it cannot stand alone. That is the second point where we pulpit leaders have missed the mark. The Black Robe Regiment knew that in 1776, we pulpit leaders must find it today.

Everything starts with Social Liberty and free will, as our Abba Father created in Eden.  Liberty Civics is Principle and morality-based for everyone, believer or not, and shared with everyone without restraint. Like the sun and rain, our Abba Father recreated Social Liberty for all in His 1787 Creation, which resamples an Eden 2.0. 

He ended the Nahas spirit-human kingship set in 1 Samuel and freed us to image and glorify Him in all that we do. There is no Caesar in His 1787 Creation. That is profound, and it is what our pulpit leaders have missed.

However, neither our society nor ecclesiae have taught Social Liberty for generations, so we must teach it again. The book and/or website are a one-stop education center for everyone that fills the void and unites all WTP. It has three sections:

Preamble – The political faction death spiral of our USA – a must-read for all voters to engage.

Social Liberty – What our Founding Fathers created with our Abba Father’s hand that political factions destroyed.

Liberty School – A crash course on Social Liberty no longer taught in schools. 

To unify the Body and exercise power at the ballot box, believers must demand that every candidate from president to down-ballot dog catcher score 0-10 on the WePEG 1787 We the People’s Principles of Effective Governing document.

The WePEG1787 website is the key to redeeming our One Nation Under God. Only removing the political factions would create impossible chaos; WTP must replace them with sufficient Principles of Governance that align with a majority moving in the right direction. WePEG1787 creates that process.

The factions will fight hard; the Body of Christ is the only group to make it happen, with our pulpit leaders on board for our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation. Please pray about that.

WePEG1787We the People’s Principles of Effective Governing is the only strategy to save our USA for posterity. Since our Abba Father’s 1787 Creation, 237 years have passed, and political factions have taken total control of our government and eviscerated our DOI, which holds our Social Liberty.

Our Founding Fathers could never foresee Progressivism and Psychology, which birthed the gaslighting PSYOP, or the Industrial Revolution, which changed the formation of wealth for everyone, making it harder to rule people.

That is why the Nahas inspired Karl Marx to devise a strategy to fool people into giving up Social Liberty, which became today’s Progressivism. Our Founding Fathers would have gone to war against Progressivism because it is unrestricted federal power, as we now see.

We must defeat Progressivism with comprehensive governing Principles for posterity. It is the only way to redeem our One Nation Under God, His 1787 Creation, and put political faction power on the scrap heap of history. We must remove them from between WTP and our representatives and between our representatives and our government because it destroyed our Abba Father-given DOI’s “right to consent,” ending our Social Liberty.

Candidates download from the WePEG1787 website an MS Word file locked except for the scoring lines and then post it on their website for all to see. Every candidate can and must score and post it. There is nothing large sums of money can add to the process.

The only people that matter are the voters in the district. Why would anyone listen to millions of dollars from another state for a House seat with less than 600k voters?

WePEG1787 needs scholarly support for gravitas and expertise; today’s version is a “proof of concept” draft. We must finish it by the end of 2025 for the 2026 election.

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